Chapter 21

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The next morning I woke up louis to have him go get more information.
He grabbed his bow and I got him some extra arrows.
"Be careful Louis. We need you to come back." I paused for a moment and let it out "I need you to come back."
I looked up at him and he looked at me with love. He leaned in and placed his hand on the back of my neck and connected his lips to mine.
"I promise I'll be back. Let's just hope it'll be with more information."
He opened the gate and walked out.
He waved to me and I waved goodbye.
Now after that kiss, I really can't lose him.
I was on lookout, thank god because I wanted to make sure he made it home. I had been sitting at the guard tower all day when I heard a gunshot.
I sprang up as I saw movement.
"Defenses up! NOW!!"
Louis ran in and locked the gate. He ran to get more arrows and all of the other kids grabbed guns and axes and spears of wood. Out of the woods case adults, loaded with guns. They looked at our school and started firing.
I shot someone in the head. Two more people went down on the other side of the gates. There were four people left. Louis had shot someone in the arm. They screamed out in pain and fell to their knees. Mitch had thrown a smoke bomb over the gate and the other side gagged and coughed.
One more had gone down and the other three retreated.
I jumped down from the tower and ran to Louis. I jumped into his arms and hugged him.
"I'm glad you're okay." I whispered.
"I am perfectly okay."
I let go of him and smiled.
"Well that went well." Mitch sarcastically said.
"Shut up, we are all alive and well." I retorted.
"You're just like your boyfriend!" He scoffed.
"He's not my boyfriend!" I shouted.
Mitch gave up and walked inside.
I gritted my teeth and huffed in anger.
"Okay What did you find out?"
"They have a fort in the woods, about two miles out of the safe zone. A lot the them died from our traps for the animals and they got caught in the zombie rigs."
"Good Okay so we know that they aren't the best, we know that they do have weapons and where their base is. Good." I thought of a plan.
"What's goin on in that head of yours? You got a plan already?"
"Nothings goin on."
"If I know anything it is that that face, means that y/n means business."
He laughed as I pouted.
"You're cute." He said stroking my cheek with his hand quickly and then walking inside.
"God He frustrates me!" I said aloud to myself.
"But you know you love him!" Ruby said.
"Uh huh." I said.

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