Chapter 9

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Your pov
I woke up early the next morning. I decided to get a lot done. I took care of the garden and the rest of the dirt. I swept the concrete that was sprinkled with our mess and boarded up some holes. I went to the river to get some water to wash the dishes. I got back and picked up all the dishes that need to be cleaned and waited for the water to boil. While doing that I caught a rabbit and put it in the kitchen. I washed the dishes and put them back nicely. I looked at the counter and noticed that a lot of food was gone. I'll have to ask Louis about it later.
I took the water that I had left and washed off the windows.
"Looking better everyday buddy." I said while slapping the school brick wall.
Everyone walked out and I stood in front of the clean courtyard.
"Woah. It's so clean." Mitch said looking around.
"When did you do all of this?" Louis asked.
"This morning." I smiled.
"When did you wake up?" Ruby asked shocked
"A little before dawn." I shrugged.
"I thought I told you to get some sleep." Ruby said putting her hands on her hips.
"I felt bad for missing yesterday so I decided to get some work done for my absence." I shrugged again.
"You're somethin aren't you?" She asked shaking her head.
"Yes She is." Louis laughed.
They all sat around and played.
I enjoyed watching them happy. I know it hasn't been the best ever since I got here.
Louis sat next to me as I watched everyone.
"Ya know. This place would be a lot different without you." He said keeping his head facing forward
"How So?" I asked turning to him.
"Well. We wouldn't be even halfway along with this place without you. You've encouraged us all, even with your few words."
"Thanks Louis."
"Well, we are having a party tonight if you wanna join."

I walked to the place where the party was being held. I walked in and there was music and people talking, candles were lit in green and purple jars.
"This is great!" I said to ruby.
"Thanks!" She smiled back at me.
I saw Louis in the corner sitting and looking. I walked over and looked down at him.
"Being a party pooper are we?" I asked.
He looked up at me and smiled.
"Just scoping out the party for me to look the absolute best in." He laughed.
He stood up and looked at me.
"Thanks for showing up." He said.
"Didn't really have a choice now did I?" I asked.
"Fair." He replied.
"So, what do you even do at a party?" I asked.
"Just have fun!" He said.
"And how do I do that?" I asked.
"Umm, you could talk to people, dance, eat food, anything really."
"Well I am horrible and conversing, I am not hungry and I don't know how to dance." I said.
"Well then I can teach you!" He grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the floor.
"Okay so there are a couple types of dancing. There's slow dancing, regular dancing, ballet-"
"Yeah okay I get it but can you just teach me something." I laughed.
"Okay here I'll teach you how to slow dance." He grabs one of my hands and places it on his shoulder. He takes my other hand and cups his hand around mine like mittens.
He puts his hand around my waist and I flinch.
"Too much?" He asks.
"Just a little."
"Are you uncomfortable?"
"N-not particularly no."
"W-well then okay." I could see him blushing like me, if not harder.
He scooted closer to me and I cleared my throat.
"Okay maybe we just shouldn't do this." He said. He backed away and hurried out of the room. And I was left there, wondering what I did wrong.

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