Chapter Four

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When I finally woke up, Tom was in the kitchen making pancakes. My first thought was to tell him about Danny rejecting my call. Then again, I wouldn't even know what to say to Danny if he had answered... 

"Tom, I really want to tell you something." I said quietly. 

"Okay Gem, what's up?" He asked, looking a bit worried.

"Well, I phoned Danny last night. Or rather, I tried to. He didn't answer. He deliberately rejected my call." I could feel my eyes welling up a bit. 

"Ah, Gem. Danny's had a rough few months too, you know?" He said, not telling me the full story.

"Yeah but I asked you if it would be a good idea and you said yeah, I asked you to let him know I'd be calling" I told him. 

"I'm sorry Gem, I didn't really know what to tell him. It's a bit out of the blue." He said awkwardly. 

"If you want, I can call him now and ask him to come over for a bit? I'll say it's about an acoustic song I've been working on secretly that I want him to hear, that'll definitely get him over" 

"Okay, you can try. Why do you want to help fix things anyway?" I asked.

"Because I'll be going away on tour with the band I want you to come with.  You'll be on the tour bus with us, watch is perform live for everyone, it'll be fun! But first you and Danny need to be on speaking terms." He kinda had a point... 

"Gem, you've seen us on stage before when you lived with mum and dad and you loved it, you should come with us again!" He kinda had another point... 

"Well Tom, that's all lovely and everything but I kinda just wanna stay home."

"No, Gem. You need to do this. You need to go out and get back to normal, go places and meet people." 

I know Tom was trying to be nice but I didn't feel like doing any of that. 

"Fine, I'll go." I told him weakly. 

"Okay, hold on. I'll phone Danny and get him to come over so we can talk."

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