Chapter Twelve

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Well, my doctor rescheduled my appointment to tomorrow, and the boys are away on tour in a week and I'm stuck at home with my mum and dad. Oh how I wish I was back in my flat, alone but happy.  At least I have my Xbox here. I wish it was easier to ignore people but it's difficult when you live with parents. I could always catch up with some of my old friends but they're probably busy with their family or work or something. 

I already know it's gonna be difficult knowing Tom's on tour and I can't call when I need him. 3 whole months without him. He said he'd skype me or facetime me but I doubt it. He'll be really busy. I haven't told him what happened with Danny or that I've been ill recently. I don't want him worrying.

I just hope Danny doesn't tell Tom what happened between us while they're on tour. It definitely wouldn't be a welcome home to remember. 

I think he'd be better off without me in his life and I don't mind being on my own for a while. Maybe i'll find a place or my own and get a cat or dog for company. I like animals but I don't know what I'd rather have. I'm not going back to London because it's too expensive to live there, but I do miss my history job. 

Maybe I could teach history here at a high school or something. That way I'd have holidays and weekends off but before I think about any of that I need to get myself to the doctors. I don't want to start a new job or move house before I've seen the Doc, it could be something serious.

I'm hoping it's nothing too bad but I cant stand being ill. I hope it goes away soon.

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