Chapter Eighteen

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I feel so much better since telling everyone. Danny's been doing a lot for me lately, I think he's realised I'm not kidding about him being the dad. He's started coming over a lot too. Who knows, maybe he's a bit excited too. I never really know what to say to him. I don't really need help with anything. I still haven't said anything about the cheating bitch of a girlfriend, mostly because I don't know how to break such a huge bombshell so soon after the first. Maybe he'll let me be there for him, he knows I would be. I just wish he'd stop trying to tidy up around me!

"Danny, I'm fine being on my own, you don't need to do everything for me. Go spend time with Vanessa." I tried to be firm but nice, him being here is nice but it isn't really necessary.

"Gem, I want to look after you and the baby when it's born, I haven't been there for you and I should have been." He said.

"I know you want to be there for us, but right now I don't need any help. You have Vanessa, and you know I can call you if I need you." I replied.

"Okay, you're probably right. I'll see ya later then." He waved, walked out the door, and locked it behind him.

He sounded a bit sad about leaving, but he knows I'm right. I do feel weird being alone again, but I'm also feeling guilty about not telling Danny about Vanessa yet. I just don't know how to break it to him. Danny has been waiting on me hand and foot, I can't let him do all this for me while I'm keeping this big secret right under his nose. 

I might ask Tom to tell him, or maybe Harry or Dougie. Someone needs to tell him, and I'd rather it not be me, but he'll know it came from me considering the boys were on tour with him so there's no way they could have seen her. 

I still have the photos, maybe next time I see him I'll be able to tell him.

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