A Film by Peter Parker

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Peter Parker may be a genius that goes to a super expensive genius school for geniuses that he and his aunt can only afford because of a scholarship he got for being a genius but he is really stupid. Usually his stupidity is not on purpose and is caused by inexperience or just a gigantic brain fart. And then other times he's just so stupid you think don't you go to a school for geniuses? The answer to the question of course is a surprising yes. It may be unsurprising when Peter is working in the lab on chemical formulas or robotics no kid his age is able to accomplish. Some people that know his Spiderman secret believe that in addition to awesome muscles, increased metabolism and heightened senses Peter also got stupidity from the spider bite. It's so bad in fact that even Tony Stark and Bruce Banner get whiplash from Peter's two moods.

1. Genius
2. Absolute Idiot™

The point of that really long paragraph was to introduce the reasoning behind a certain event. The story starts in Peter's apartment, the one he shares with his Aunt May when he isn't spending time at Stark Towers. It was late at night on Sunday. May was still at work despite the time while Peter locked himself into his modest bedroom with a large pot of coffee. He needed more caffeine in order to stay awake for long periods of time due to his increased metabolism courtesy of a mean spider. Normally he would either be Spidermanning across the city or in bed due to certain rules created by May Parker and Tony Stark. But tonight Peter had to work double time in order to finish a presentation for his Spanish class.

Thankfully, he had already finished recording the footage needed so all he had left to do was edit. It was kinda difficult to properly edit a video at nearly one in the morning on a Monday but he made it work. Using the skills taught to him by Tony, Ned, and YouTube, Peter had the project finished in less than an hour. That sounds like a lot but he wanted it to be perfect.

And it really was. So at 1:23 a.m., Peter titled his project "A Film by Peter Parker" and hit save before falling asleep almost instantly.


The next morning was rough. With only 5 hours and 37 minutes of sleep, Peter's daily routine felt a thousand times harder and a thousand times slower. But he managed to shower and brush his teeth and eat breakfast and pack lunch and everything else he needed to accomplish all before Happy came to drive him to school.

Before meeting Tony, Peter would just walk to the subway and hope he didn't miss his train. But then Tony learned about that and decided Happy would drive the teenager to and from school. Peter being Peter had of course declined the offer, making up an excuse about not being a bother so Tony being Tony threatened to ground him if he didn't let someone do something nice for him. so long story short Peter was not grounded and had a reliable ride to school.

Peter's Spanish class was his last period of the day so he had to get through the remainder of his classes with the added anxiety of presenting. By lunch, Peter was getting fairly nervous, maybe a little more than normal. Then came his seventh period class where he had to be excused in order to talk himself out of a panic attack. And then finally it was eighth period and time to present.

The teacher (a particularly crabby woman) drew names out of a hat to play their video. Peter was thankfully not chosen first which kinda helped with his nerves. But while watching the video, Peter began to grow more anxious as he saw what a great job that student had done. He knew that his video was nowhere near as good (despite the fact he had undoubtedly the best project in the class).

Peter was chosen fourth to present. Walking up to the front of the room with his laptop (courtesy of Tony Stark), he could feel his classmates' eyes watching him. He knew he was getting worked up over nothing but it was still nerve-wracking nonetheless. The teenager plugged in his laptop and searched his files for "A Film by Peter Parker". After finding it, he hit play without stopping to check the day it was created.

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