A/N: Btw if any of you are interested, I just posted a new book called "parallel universe". It's a bxb ;)
Cubs sees Blue down the hall and walks up to him.
Cubs: No Jay today?
Blue shook his head with a frown.
Blue: He has basketball practice.
Blue clutches his chest and leans his head against his locker.
Blue: I... I feel so empty inside.
Cubs: You guys are always together. Why don't you just date already?
Blue: I've tried leaving him hints and signs! But he just doesn't get it.
Cubs: Hints and signs? What kind?
Blue: I once passed him a note in the class.
Cubs: And?
Blue: I wrote "will you be the "yee" to my "haw"?
Blue: But then he just threw the paper back at me. He looked more annoyed than flustered. I really thought he'd be head over heels after that.
Cubs blinks blankly, completely speechless.
Blue: Anyway, what about you? I saw that you've been hanging a lot with the school's playboy Blake lately.
Cubs: Tsk, he can go to hell for all I care.
Blake who approached Cubs from behind overheard and smiles.
Blake: Talking about me, sweetheart?
Cubs jumped in surprise, spinning around with clenched fists.
Cubs: Don't scare me like that you dolt!
Blake pinches Cubs cheek.
Blake: For someone with such a cute name, you sure do have a foul mouth.
Cubs pulls away.
Cubs: Fuck off.
Blake's smile widens.
Blake: But you're such a smol little bean, I just want to hug you so tight!
Blake wraps his arms around Cubs and presses him against his chest. Cubs, who was shorter and less strong, started to squirm about, trying to pull away.
Cubs: What are you-
Blake continues to squeeze Cubs, rubbing his cheek against Cubs head.
Blake: So small and soft.
Cubs: You little- Get off, you're messing up my hair!
Blue looks at Blake and Cubs who started to wrestle and smiles.
Blue: Well, I'm going to head off to class now.
Cubs was still trapped in Blake's hug.
Cubs: W-W-Wait Blue, don't just leave me!
But Blue was already walking down the hall, his mind completely elsewhere.
Blue: Hm... I wonder if Jay's okay.

Fluff: Short Story (Boyxboy)✔
Short Story*COMPLETED* Short excerpts and skits of 4 teenage boys and their fluffy lives! Read on to follow their wild & funny adventures. Warning: This story is fluffy and full of fluff. Oh, and did I mention how fluffy it is? Ranking: #16 bxb (30/01/19) #13...