Chapter 34: BlueJay

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A/N: 24.03.19

Guys, guys, this is the last chapter and ugh, I'm getting so emotional. I know this book is only short excerpts, but I got so attached to the characters. THE STORY IS JUST SO FLUFFY!

BlueJay and Blubs will forever be in our hearts <3

I'll be posting an anouncement in the next chapter so stick around!

Question: Who was your favorite character and your favorite ship? What did you guys like/dislike the most about the book?


Blue runs to Jay's house, using his spare key to open the door. He takes off his shoes in a hurry, almost tripping as he runs up the stairs, opening the door to Jay's room. Jay spins around in surprise, having nothing but a towel around his waist. He just came out of the shower and was still soaking wet.

Jay: Blue! What are you doing here?!

He quickly covers his nips but Blue quickly runs up to him, spluttering words while trying to catch his breath.

Jay: Blue, calm down, I'm not going anywhere. What are you trying to say?

Blue pants: Like you... So... So put a ring... Put a ring on it.

Jay scrunches his brows, still confused.

Jay: What?

Blue: Your hand, give me your hand.

Blue: Please?

Jay couldn't help but find Blue's little "please" to be so utterly cute, slowly giving him his hand, but Blue shook his head.

Blue: No, no, the left one.

So Jay switches hands.

Blue took out the ring pop that he bought on his way here and quickly unrapped the blue candy out of the wrapper, putting it on Jay's ring finger. He looks up at Jay, his cheeks flushed bright pink while wearing the widest and happiest smile as he meets Jay's eyes.

Blue: Jayjay, I don't have a lot of money like Blake so I couldn't buy you a real ring. I mean, don't you remember the very first chapter? Yeah, I'm still that broke.

Blue takes in a deep breath.

Blue: But I gathered up all my little pennies to buy you this. I know that it's not much but I hope that you'll value it, I really do. When we grow older and get jobs, I promise that I'll buy you a bigger and better ring Jayjay, I'll buy you all the rings you want, I promise! So until then, please look after this one.

Blue: I mean, you can eat the candy, but you should keep the plastic ring.

He then pauses, looking for a good reason for Jay to keep it.

Blue: You know... For um, for the sake of the planet.

Jay chuckles softly, touched by how determined Blue was and reaches out to gently tousle his hair.

Jay: Thank you Blue, I love it.

He plants a kiss on Blue's forehead and wraps his arms around him, giving him a small squeeze.

Jay: I'll cherish it with all my heart.


A/N: Date & country you finished the book?

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