Version 1:
School ended but it was pouring rain outside. Blue forgot his umbrella at home so Jay shares his and decides to sleep at Jay's house for the night. Blue puts on his spongebob pyjamas and hops into bed, snuggling against Jay's back.
Jay grumbles, half awake.
Jay: Blue?
Jay turns around and opens his eyes and sees Blue smiling brightly at him.
Blue: Did I wake you?
Jay: M'yeah, but it's fine. Let's just go to sleep.
Only half conscious, he wraps his arms around Blue and rests his chin on his head, falling back asleep. Blue internally screams and nuzzles his face against Jay's chest, slowly falling asleep with a smile on his face.
Version 2:
School ended but it was pouring rain outside. Cubs forgot his umbrella at home so Blake shares his. Cubs didn't want to get wet so decides to take his offer without having much of a choice, but instead of walking him home, Blake takes him to his house instead.
After whining and complaining about how Blake was taking advantage of the rain and holding him hostage, he ends up falling alseep on Blake's bed. Blake smiles, taking off his shirt and hopping into bed with Cubs.
Cubs violently flops over, now wide awake. Blake smiles sweetly.
Blake: Did I wake you?
Cubs kicks Blake off the bed.
Cubs: Bitch, how dare you?

Fluff: Short Story (Boyxboy)✔
Short Story*COMPLETED* Short excerpts and skits of 4 teenage boys and their fluffy lives! Read on to follow their wild & funny adventures. Warning: This story is fluffy and full of fluff. Oh, and did I mention how fluffy it is? Ranking: #16 bxb (30/01/19) #13...