Chapter 28: He makes me happy

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A/N: 10.03.19

2 updates in one day, yay!


Maggie: Come on Jay, let's go.

Maggie takes his hand but he quickly pulls away with a frown stapled on his lips.

Jay: Maggie, you shouldn't have said that to Blue.

Maggie rolls her eyes.

Maggie: Come on, Jay, I was just joking, I didn't mean any harm.

Jay: Yes, you did. And just so you know, being around Blue is a choice, my choice, it always has been and always will be. So you're wrong, being around with him all the time isn't "suffocating". In fact, he's what helps me breathe when I'm surrounded by toxic people like you.

Maggie's jaw drops wide open.

Maggie: Are your serious?

Jay: Yeah, I am, so I'm afraid you're going to have to go to the movies alone. I already made a promise to Blue.

Maggie: What the heck Jay?! Are you gay or something? Don't tell me that you like Blue is a romantic way!

Jay: I...I don't know, but what I do know is that it doesn't feel right leaving him alone like that.

Jay: Besides, being with him feels more right than being with you.

Jay turns around and jogs down the hall, looking around for Blue. But he frowns.

Jay: Did he leave already?

He then hears someone weeping and slowly walks towards the boys bathroom, stopping in front of one of the stalls that was closed.

Jay: Blue, is that you?

The weeping suddenly stops.

Blue: No.

Jay: Come on, Blue, open up.

There was a pause.

Blue: I'm not Blue.

Jay sighs.

Jay: I'll give you a hug if you open the door.

The door immediately opens and Jay's eyes widen as he sees Blue in tears. His eyes and nose were pink and his shoulders were shaking.

Blue opens his arms as he holds back the sobs, wanting nothing else but to hug Jay.

Blue: Y-Y-You said that you'd h-h-hug me Jayjay.

Jay: Oh Blue...

Jay tightly wraps his arms around Blue who continues to cry against his chest.

Jay: Come on Blue, you're a big boy, you shouldn't be crying for something like this.

But Blue continues to sob.

Blue: What about M-M-Maggie?

Jay: I told her that I couldn't go to the movies.

Blue: W-W-Why?

Jay pulls away and gently wipes away Blue's tears with his sleeves.

Jay: Because I'd much rather be with you, dummy.

Blue tears up again.

Blue: Really Jayjay?

Jay gives Blue the warmest smile.

Jay: Really Blue.


A/N: Ahhh the fluff, it's too cute, I can't 😭😭😭 Please leave a vote to support Bluejay ♡♡

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