Chapter 27: The arcade

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A.N: 09.02.19

Sorry for the slow updates guys, life's been pretty hectic. I was just wondering if you guys preferred reading in this format, short dialogues and written like a play, or if you guys would prefer to read it like a novel like my other books, with longer chapters, more dialogue and description. Comment your preference!


Blue walks down the school halls and his eyes sparkle with excitement as he sees Jay from afar. He quickly run up to him with a wide smile on his face but stops in his steps as he sees that he's talking with a tall, beautiful girl. Blue could tell that she was flirting with Jay, laughing to whatever he was saying while standing really close him. His body stiffens as he sees her touch Jay's arm.

Jay turns around and notices Blue and smiles.

Jay: Hey Blue, aren't you going to come?

Blue takes in a deep breath, shaking off his worries and quickly joins Jay, staying close to him and linking arms with him. Jay just chuckles, already used to Blue being this close to him and gently brushes a bang away from Blue's forehead for him.

Jay: You look kind of tired, did you get any sleep?

Blue glances towards Maggie who had her arms crossed around her chest before looking back towards Jay.

Blue: How could I when you were in bed with me last night?

Jay rolls his eyes at Blue's "joke", poking his forehead.

Jay: You're so silly.

Maggie quickly clears her voice.

Maggie: So Jay, I have an extra ticket to the movies. Would you like to come with me after school?

Jay: Oh sorry Maggie, Blue and I already made plans to go to the arcade.

Maggie pouts.

Maggie: But you two always hang out together, can't you make an exception this one time?

Maggie frowns, pulling Jay towards her and squeezing his arm. Blue was about to pull Jay back to his side but Maggie gives him a nasty glare.

Maggie: I mean, it's so unfair how he always spends time with you and prevents other people from doing the same. You should meet more people and more girls, it must be suffocating hanging out with the same person who sticks to you like glue. You'd have way more friends and dates if it wasn't for him, I mean, how selfish is it for him to keep you for himself.

Blue's stiffens, his hand falling to the side. Maggie lets out a small laugh, taking the chance to wrap her arm around Jay's.

Maggie: Oh come on Blue, don't pout. I was just kidding.

Jay frowns, gently pulling away from her.

Jay: Maggie, that wasn't very nice. And I already told you that I made plans with Blue.

Blue: No, it's fine Jay, you should go with her.

Jay turns towards Blue.

Jay: Then come with us, I'll buy your ticket for you.

Blue: No, I uh, I already having somthing else to do. We can go to the arcade another time.

Jay's brows furrows. Just last night, Blue was begging him to go to the arcade with him. And Blue would normally put up more of a fight in situations like this.

Maggie: You see Jay? So come with me, I don't want to go alone. Please?

Jay ignores her, eyes still on Blue.

Jay: Do you really want me to go?

Blue takes a step back, giving him a small nod and smile.

Blue: I'll see you tomorrow Jay.

He quickly turns around, his hands tightening around the straps of his bag as he scurries down the hall. Blue goes to the bathroom, entering one of the stalls and locking the door behind him. He stands there, staring at the white wall as he felt a tight feeling warp around his chest, tears starting to fill his eyes. He watches them dribble of his chin and sniffles.

Blue: But I really wanted to go to the arcade with you Jay.


A.N: I know this is supposed to be a fluffy story, but you guys know me, I can't help but add a little of angst. Btw who do you guys ship the most?

Team Bluejay or team Blubs?

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