[Rock, paper, scissors: Cubs and Blake version]
Cubs and Blake at the same time: Rock, paper, scissors!
Cubs chose scissors and Blake chose rock.
Cubs: I don't want to play anymore.
Blake: Come over here so I can flick you.
Cubs: Leave me alone.
Cubs tries to crawl away but Blake grabs his ankle and pulls him back.
Cubs: Let go!
Blake straddles his legs over Cubs waist and pins him against the floor.
He puts his finger against Cubs forehead.Cubs: Alright, alright, you can flick me. Just be gentle for fuck's sake!
Blake smiles.
Blake: Of course,sweetheart.
He flicks him Cubs so hard that you could hear the loud "pang" as his nails hit Cub's skull. Cubs rolls on the floor, screaming.
Blake smiles innocently.
Blake: Oh my, did I flick you too hard?
Cubs sits up, glaring at him.
Cubs: Another round! I demand another round!
Blake: You sure you can handle it, sweetheart? Your forehead is all red.
Cubs: Just you wait...
Cubs and Blake at the same time: Rock, paper, scissors!
Cubs lost against and he cries in defeat.
Cubs: I'm going home!
Blake laughs.
Blake: Not until I flick you. Come on, I'll be gentle.
Cubs: No.
But Blake pulls him towards him.
Blake: You ready?
Cubs: Just get it over with.
Cubs thought that Blake was going to go easy on him, but he flicked him just as hard as the first time and he screamed in pain. He then lies lifeless on the floor, staring at the ceiling.
Cubs: What is the purpose of life?
Blake chuckles and leans over, kissing his red forehead. Cubs pulls away with wide eyes.
Cubs: W-W-What was that for?!
Blake shrugs.
Blake: Just felt like it.
Cubs: You-
He tries to punch Blake who dodges, catching his fist and pulling him towards his face, planting another kiss on Cubs's forehead. Cubs turns bright red as he quickly pulled away, storming out of the room.
Blake laughs.
Blake: What, no rematch?

Fluff: Short Story (Boyxboy)✔
Short Story*COMPLETED* Short excerpts and skits of 4 teenage boys and their fluffy lives! Read on to follow their wild & funny adventures. Warning: This story is fluffy and full of fluff. Oh, and did I mention how fluffy it is? Ranking: #16 bxb (30/01/19) #13...