[10] I Want to Be Normal

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I didn't like Biology as much as I usually did on Monday. It was fifth period and I was desperately trying not to think about the fact that I had this stupid BSL class afterward. Trust Mrs Porter to sign me up for something like that – chances were it was another box to tick on her list. I was using my weekend to distract me; I'd gone to a theme park with my mum and Theo and luckily because I was using sign language, people assumed I was deaf and didn't look too aggravated when I didn't speak. They did end up talking ridiculously loudly at my face before my mum told them to stop though, but that's just how it goes. I'm pretty sure Elliot wouldn't have appreciated it either, and he actually is deaf.

I went on just about every rollercoaster because I honestly really felt like it after the week I'd had. Something about forgetting everything you'd been storing in your head for the thoughts of near-death really helped when it came to my obsessive thinking about Noah. At least I trusted him for now.

And just like that, I was thinking about him again. I'm impossible!

"Did you break up with him then?" Mackenzie broke my thoughts and I focused on the conversation in front of me; I can't lie that I was slightly invested in Katie and Dan's existing/no longer existing relationship. I guessed it was because I had nothing better to be concentrating on right now.

"Erm..." She looked down at her black converse.

"Fuck's sake still not?!" Mackenzie's face was a lot angrier than I was used to seeing it and I had no idea why she was so irked by it "Katie are you dense? He cheated on you twice!"

"Ok, ok, I'll break up with him." Her quiet tone suggested that she was also in the dark "Mack are you ok?"

This could go one of two ways, I decided. Mackenzie would:
A) Go mental at this question and overreact
B) Appreciate Katie's concern and tell her what's up

My guess was pretty obvious, and I realised I was on the edge of my seat to see which one it would be. And then the bell went, and I sighed heavily. Fucking BSL lessons – they were going to be shit anyway – after all I did know BSL pretty well since it was my only real form of communication. And Noah was going to be there as well, just to make the whole situation better.

Fuck me!


I was the first one in the room, which didn't really surprise me considering the reaction that the announcement of the club got in tutor. The year 8 boys poked fun out of it the entire time and the year 9 girls (basically the Katie and Mackenzie's of their year) swatted their perfectly straightened blond hair from their face like it was so beneath them to attend such a thing. I got it; I hadn't met anyone who knew BSL without a reason like they had a sibling that was deaf, or they were deaf themselves. I was a bit of a special case, but wasn't I always? Anyway, my point is that nobody knows BSL that doesn't have to normally which is really sad but just the way the world is at the moment.

Even the teacher wasn't here yet, so I sneakily took my phone out to text Elliot because honestly who is going to tell me off right now? I had no idea what had happened to him over the weekend because frankly, he hadn't messaged me. I wasn't worried – we all had exams to prepare for, right? – but it was a bit disconcerting; Elliot never ignored me for this long. Luckily he replied quickly after my text:

Guess where I am?

Where? And don't make me feel jealous by sending me a picture of you on holiday in Lanzarote or something!

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