[21] Mystery of Love

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I didn't know what to do with myself other than run up to my bedroom and think about my life as a whole. I mean, I just got kissed. By a boy. That I actually liked. This was monumental.

And yes, I know that that sounds ridiculous and for a lot of people at school kissing someone wasn't really anything really special – not to mention they'd probably done a lot more by now – but for me this was my first. I'd literally gone from being completely alone at school to having an... I didn't know what. I didn't know if the kiss meant that we were... well... you know... dating. I had no idea, and with romantic comedies and books to go by, I wasn't having much luck sorting it out. Should I just ask him? Would that make me sound desperate? I was trying not to think about Noah in the bracket of people that I'd already explained above, but I couldn't help wondering if this just mean nothing to him. What if it was an accident and he didn't mean it?

Ugh, this was impossible!  The only solution I could come up was to ask the only person I knew that could easily decipher the ins and outs of this whole thing. I had to call Katie.


"So what do you want to ask me?" We were sat on her bed with the tattered notebook placed between us. Luckily, she wasn't doing anything tonight, and I had a feeling that she was happy that I offered to come over. She hadn't said anything specific but the way she'd avoided my eyes when she told me that she was home alone was slightly weird. 'My parents are just busy at the moment' she'd explained after I'd given her a questioning look.

This is going to sound really weird and is going to take a lot of explaining but I really need help with it and you're the best person to go to.

"Now I'm curious and honestly need a distraction right now!" She smiled.

Why what's gone on?

"Just more Mackenzie," She explained tiredly "She won't leave me alone despite the fact that she said she was ignoring me. It's exhausting"

Just ignore her – if anything it shows that she misses you. You're obviously no match for Carrie who couldn't tell the difference between two blonde shades. Honestly, it was obviously honey blonde!

She laughed and it felt nice that someone found my jokes funny. "I know it is just criminal!" She rolls her eyes playfully "Anyway – I'm still in the dark!"

Ok, ok! Basically.... Noah kissed me.

"WHAT?!" She practically squealed and I winced "How did this happen?"

Well... after being paired up for the English coursework, we ended up talking quite a bit and, I don't know, he ended up being made to go to the BSL classes by Mrs Porter so we can communicate easily and we hang out most break times.

"So that's why you were busy at break!" She exclaimed "I know who to trust with my secrets honestly how have you kept that so quiet for so long?!" I laughed, shrugging slightly "But... Mackenzie?"

And this was always the problem – things got really awkward because well... Mackenzie.... Especially as she had a massive go at me after Biology today.

"Wait what do you mean?"

She called me ugly, said that people couldn't stand me and that you... she said that you were only speaking to me to get back at her.

"Seriously?" She looked at me like I was fragile. I hated that she thought of me as someone who would break that easily "Well that's something that is one obviously not true and two proves that Mackenzie's a bitch again. I definitely am not talking to you just to get back at her – you know that right?" I nod my head and wonder if this makes me look weak.

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