[23] Show Me Love

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"Guess who's back. Back again." Noah made me smile without even trying. How can someone have that affect on you?

Hmmm... let me think about that for a moment... He smiled back and it was contagious. His mouth was slightly crooked, but the kind that made him look even cuter. Instead of doing what we usually did and sit at a table, he came right up to me and immediately cradled me in his – very toned – arms. Surely he knew how fit he was?

"Ugh Coach still hasn't decided when the football competition is!" He sighed, kissing the top of my head gently and then resting his chin on there.

I thought it'd already gone? That's why we ended up nearly going back to how things were before wasn't it?

"No that was just sorting out everything with the intercounty competitions – Coach is yet to organise a captain." I could tell he wanted to say something

What's worrying you about it? Surely it should be you?

"Harrison's also going for it." He confesses quietly and we break apart, his arms still on my shoulders. I didn't know what to say but I also didn't want him saying Harrison's name to become like the you know who in Harry Potter. It wasn't even that big a deal.

Oh well I'm sure everything'll go to plan eventually! I finally signed after a long pause.

"Yep" The constipation face came back again, and I tried my hardest not to laugh. "Anyway how are you Via?"

Oh I'm... fine I guess? Elliot came over last night which was nice. I nodded awkwardly

"Oh this is your best friend that likes Game of Thrones isn't it?" He smiled smugly

I'm actually impressed you remembered that! I laughed Though I guess you are a secret nerd after all!

"Shut up! It's my job to remember these things!" He smiled and I had a tightness in my stomach from the conversation last night.

So does that mean.... I mean are we... My signing suddenly went all over the place, my hands contorting themselves to find an acceptable way to ask the question.

"Are we boyfriend and girlfriend?" He looked at me dead in the eyes again "I mean I really really like you Via and I would love for you to be my girlfriend, but you know if you don't want-"

I do I sign rapidly want to be your girlfriend I mean

His face breaks out into a smile that seems to cover his whole face. "Honestly you're acting like you think I don't like you or something"

He got closer and my lips landed on his with ease. I didn't know what I was thinking, wondering if this was all a joke. It was the feeling I'd yearned for since he did it first and the more I kissed him, the more I wanted to. Suddenly everything I'd doubted earlier was gone and all I could think about was how lucky I was that I'd managed to get this. I couldn't think of anything better.

Or maybe I would have if I'd have known that someone was watching us.


"Are you getting food?" Katie asked me in Biology.

No I've got a sandwich in my bag... I'd never even been into the cafeteria in this school never mind bought lunch, the whole idea of that set my stomach on edge. I mean, for one, it wasn't like I could order food like a regular person.

"Oh I was just thinking we should get lunch together?" She asked and I immediately become nervous. Seriously? I could hear Elliot's voice inside my head laughing about how stupid being scared of the cafeteria was. It was jus that... well... what would people say? I'd always tried to avoid everyone here because I knew that if I didn't I'd have to hear all of the things they said about me, all the inside jokes dedicated to how strange I appeared to be. But maybe with Katie... I don't know, but I couldn't live my whole life hiding in the shadows just because people noticed me. It wasn't like I hadn't heard what they had to say before.

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