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Time Skip 3 hours after Jessica's heart was jump started

Jessica's POV

It was almost like waking up from a bad dream. All I remember is the invisible hands and then nothing. It was like I was flying. Free. It's so hard to describe but that's exactly how it was. I remember being in a hospital, but I don't remember what for. 

My neck and my chest hurt. I just don't know why. I feel my neck and it feels swollen under my touch. I then look at my chest and see the slight red marks on my skin, almost like from being burned. What happened to me? I think to myself. I found the red button on the side of my bed and pressed it hoping a nurse could let me have water. My throat just feels so sore and dry. 

I know it only took the nurse a couple minutes to come in but it just seemed like a lifetime for me. I try to speak but nothing comes out. 

"Oh good to see your back Jessica. Here, would you like a paper and pen to write on? You have been here for a while."

I quickly write "Can I have something to drink please?"

"We have you on fluids, but sure you can. Wait right here and I will get you some water. You also have visitors here to see you. Would you like to see them?" She asked sweetly. This must be the nurse that read stories to me. It sounds just like her. 

I quickly write yes and watch her leave. I wait patiently for her to come back with water, coming back rather quickly with it. 

"Now just know you must sip very slowly. Your throat will be a bit sore for a while, but you will be alright." She said smiling watching  me drink. "Thank you for everything. Your the nurse that read stories to me aren't you?" I wrote but she didn't see what I wrote because she turned around and opened the door to seven men I feel like I know, but I'm not sure. 

I drank a little more water before I said softly "Who are you?". My voice quivered and cracked from lack of use. The nurse's face quickly turned to me. "Save your voice little one" she said with a small smile. I still looked at the seven people standing in my room. There face showed both happiness and both sympathy. Do I know these people? I feel like I do, but I'm not sure. I feel lost. 

A/N I'm sorry for the short chapter but I want to do something with the next chapter :)

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