Chapter 8

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A/N: This chapter takes place two years after the next, and is almost getting close to Episode 1 timeline.

A pair of lightsaber blades clashed with a purple blade before pushing off as the wielders continued to dance around one another.

"Good Ahsoka!" Harry called as the now eight almost nine year old Togruta used her natural flexibility to run through the velocities of Form V the style that was most natural to her.

Harry continued to batter away her attacks using Form III against her with only his left hand showing that while she had improved in the two years since he first met her she still had far to go.

Ahsoka continued to attack only for Harry to show the philosophy that a master of Soresu was invincible.

Nearby Ben sat and watched as Harry trained one of his students outside of class. Ben had actually been happy to hear that clan Clawmouse would have his friend and Alpha as a saber instructor.

As a former Clawmouse himself the idea that the same person who fixed his problems with Lightsaber combat was helping the next generation do the same.

As he sat and watched he also observed Harry's Soresu form focusing on who best to use put it in his own style. Harry's curved blade changed the angle of attack and even the amount of power and control on had with a blade.

As the user of a standard saber Ben had to be careful to not try and copy every moment his teacher made. After a few more minutes Harry called for a stop making Ahsoka fold slightly in half panting for air.

"You're improving Snips." Harry said with a smile as he deactivated his blade.

Ahsoka gave him an unamused looked as she hung her two practice sabers on her belt.

"And your still a task master!" She grumbled making Harry laugh.

"If you think I'm bad you should've met my Master." He said with a smile. "Now remember tomorrow is single saber only." He reminded her making Ahsoka nod.

Harry had lectured early about the biggest weaknesses of Jar'kai.

The first being the fact that a user would only ever be able to deliver the power of a single arm behind an attack, and the second being an over reliance on having two blades.

To overcome these Harry had Ahsoka go through the same training as Revan put him through.

First being the fact that Harry had Ahsoka train with just one blade as often as two so she could use a single blade just as well as two.

Second being an exercise routine that helped build up strength while not taking away from a beings natural flexibility.

When Ahsoka wasn't practicing blade work Harry trained her in the same style of martial arts he learned in order to help her learn to defend herself should she ever be disarmed or attacked by surprise.

"For now run through the cool down and make sure to meditate to recover your energy." Harry said to the young Togruta who nodded and moved off beginning to stretch.

Harry looked over to Ben and motioned for him to come join him. Ben sighed putting his outer robe on the bench before he went over towards Harry.

"Any request today?" Harry asked as he grabbed both hilts showing that today was going to be focused on defense against Jar'kai fighters.

"Master Qui-Gon suggested I learn to defend against Form VII since that is the style with the greatest chance of breaking my defenses." He said making Harry nod as he took his Vaapad stance with Ben taking the traditional stance of Soresu.

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