Chapter 9

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A/N: This chapter was a long one and will be one of the last two before we hit Episode I time frame. Also everyone will finally get the answer to one of the biggest questions that Avain1991 created at the start. The fourth mate of Harry's pack. Also near the end will be a little incite from Luna on Terra so please wait to read that. The incite will also answer a question or two Avain1991 knew most readers will have had revolving around Anakin and whether or not he turns into Vader.

As the sun rose in the sky of Coruscant Harry opened his eyes to the familiar sensation of his body being surrounded by his wives.

Daphne lay upon his right his arm trapped between her c cup breast allowing him to feel her heartbeat against his skin. On his left was Susan in the same position as Daphne only she had tucked her leg in against his.

All while his first wife Hermione slept peacefully upon his chest her ear pressed against his heart as if to reassure herself that it still beat.

He looked over and smiled at the box now sitting on the mantle in the room. Inside it was his cut braid where it waited to be joined by the braids of his wives and a braid of his fourth mate.


Harry looked up at the ceiling at that thought for years now he had sensed that his fourth mate was somewhere out there but he had yet to meet her or get an idea of where she might be.

True he believed that the Force would one day lead him to her but it grew tiring to wait for answers.

All he could grasp of her from his dreams was that she was human, she was wise, strong willed, and she smelled of pears.

That information didn't help him since he never saw a clear image of her features and humans populated many worlds in the Galaxy. As for pears again they were grown on many worlds and wouldn't stand out.

He sighed before shaking off the thoughts as he gently used his abilities to release himself from the hold of his lovers. Once free he smiled as the three female Lycans huddled together to keep warm. Harry walked off to the refresher with a slight bounce in his step...after all today was a very important day.

After his morning meal Harry went off to join his now former Master to go over the specks of his first task as a Knight.

He was to take the five students of his that had won the tournament so they could complete their final task to officially become Padawan Learners.

The building of their personal Lightsabers, and before that the placement of their braids of rank.

Ahsoka would be using synthetic material since her lekku and montrals made it impossible for her to grow hair.

Much the same for Jorgen who had a head of skin and horns.

However since the idea of taking five children anywhere by himself was unwelcome he would be allowed to bring extra chaperones.

He was informed that Hermione and Fleur would be unable to go since they had business with the Council. Susan and Master Di were busy running the investigation into the Senate.

Master Trebor was preparing for the next mission he and Daphne would be sent on. This one bound to be must safer since Oppo would no longer be able to influence the choice on where they went.

This left Daphne free to join him along with Ben and his fellow Knight Aayla. The Twi'lek more than willing to aid them as a sort of congratulations gift to Harry for being knighted. Her lover Kit Fisto telling Harry his gift would show itself when they returned.

Harry arrived in the mission planning room to see Master Windu already there with Aayla.

"Ah good morning Knight Potter." Mace said with a small smile making Harry shake his head.

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