Chapter 5

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A/N: This chapter is a bit of a filler and will also help introduce a couple familiar characters to those that play the Old Republic game.

"This is Republic Cruiser Serenity requesting permission to land and refuel." Harry looked out at the floating space station called Port Nowhere a privately own port that was on the edge of known space.

It was a place where all different kinds of beings could come and refuel their ships as well as enjoy some downtime without worry of the Hutt Cartel bothering them.

"Serenity proceed to landing port C-33." A voice came over the radio making the captain nod as the ship moved while under Harry's control.

Captain Harkins had been hesitant about letting one of the residents of Terra fly his ship only for Harry to surprise him with his knowledge of starships. Harry led them into the hanger easily while lowing the landing pads before the ship gently touched down as he shut down the engines.

"Smooth as silk." Harry said as he flipped the switches that opened the fuel port to allow them to refuel.

"Blast." A voice grumbled making the pair turn to see an ensign handing over a few credit chips to Daphne who had a smirk on her face.

"Thank you." She said making Harry chuckle slightly.

His Slytherin love had taken to gambling for fun especially bets made that focused on him. She had made a small fortune during the Triwizard betting on him since he had placed first in two of the three tasks.

Only coming in second during the second task because he refused to leave anyone down in the water. Ever since she would make small bets with 'suckers' that liked to bet against him.

She called him her lucky lover. "Port Nowhere is a den for spacers and such looking for fuel and a good time away from the Hutts. All the cantinas are known to have Sabacc and Pazaak tables. It's a good place to gather information but it also acts as a safe haven for Bounty Hunters and Smugglers."

Master Qui-Gon was heard answering a question Hermione had asked him.

"Is the Republic welcome here?" Hermione asked the long haired master who took a moment before shrugging.

"Republic ships are welcome to land and refuel, and the men aboard are welcome to the cantinas but law enforcement actions aren't well looked upon. We are at the last friendly house before reaching the Unknown Regions." He said making Hermione nod.

"What kind of currency do they accept here?" Daphne asked making Harry chuckle internally already having an idea of what she had planned. Qui-Gon blinked at the question but didn't see any harm in it.

"Republic Credits, Hutt gold, and even trade of valuable objects/weapons." He answered before Daphne smirked and turned around to leave the cockpit.

"Where is she going?" Captain Harkins asked.

"To the Sabacc tables." Harry said as he stood up and left as well leaving the others inside the cockpit minus Hermione in shock.


"I can handle myself my love." Daphne said as she and Harry both walked past the landing pads both wearing spare republic flight uniforms.

Since they came off a republic cruiser it made more sense for them to wear the uniforms instead of their robes. Both also had their weapons hidden up their sleeves while each wore a blaster pistol on their belts.

"I know this, but there are plenty of fools here who don't." He answered making her giggle as they entered into a cantina.

Harry took a seat at the bar where he was able to keep an eye on the table that Daphne had sat down at.

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