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That was the only thing on the mind of the young human child, as he dragged himself along the grassy leaf covered ground of the forest.

Just hours ago, the boy of six was with his relatives sitting down for a picnic, one they had been forced to bring him on.

His uncle, a large man that could be mistaken for a walrus with his bulk frame and mustache, his aunt a boney lanky woman with a horse face, and their pig of a son matching his father's weight and frame.

For as long as he could remember, the boy only ever knew the life of little more than a starved slave in their house. Today his uncle had been invited to a company picnic that his boss had told him to bring his whole family to, including the nephew he barely ever spoke of.

After a thorough 'warning' of what would happen to the boy if he embarrassed the family, they arrived.

However before anyone could sit and start to eat, they were attacked by some wild animal the boy had never seen before.

It looked like a wolf of some kind, but it moved on its back legs like a man.

The portly uncle and cousin made great meals for the wolf, with the bony aunt getting her neck snapped, and the boy getting bitten on the neck.

In a panic the others ran to their cars and left the family to die with the wolf only leaving after it had its fill of the uncle and cousin.


Now the boy with a large bleeding bite on his neck was crawling trying to fight to survive.

As the Harry reminded himself. His name is Harry James Potter, and he was going to live. He didn't spend five years surviving his relatives only to die here alone from an animal attack. As he crawled he felt a...feeling.

An almost guiding touch, leading him on towards a large tree. As he neared its roots he suddenly cried out as the ground under him gave way, and he fell until all he knew was darkness.


When he woke again he felt heat around him, he could smell food cooking, hearing a fire cracking, and felt bandages on his neck.

He allowed his eyes to wander and saw he was in a cave of some kind. The walls covered in a multitude of different colored crystals.

Eventually his eyes caught sight of a large metal structure that looked like something from a science fiction tale. The sound of clanking metal made him turn his head as he saw a skeleton figure made of metal holding what looked like a rife of some kind.

"Statement: Master, I believe the young meat bag is awake." It said in a metallic voice that made Harry look to see the figure standing near the fire wearing robes that covered their features and face, keeping him from telling it they were male or female.

The being turned towards Harry allowing to see a kind face of a man with wrinkles barely appeared giving the man the image of one barely past their thirties.

His hair was dark colored with a hint of grey appearing in the tips with salt and pepper van dyke styled facial hair.

"Ah hello young one." He said making Harry blink.

"'Ello." He said in a soft voice not used to being talked to with kindness from an adult.

"You gave HK and me quite the worry when we found you falling into our home." He said motioning towards the metal skeleton figure.

"Clarification: Master was worried I was more than willing just to leave the little meat bag lying there on the ground." HK said making the man give him a look that was a mixture of annoyance and humor. As if the man was long used to the metal being making such comments.

"Where are my manners? My name is Revan Tannis this is my droid HK-47." Revan said motioning towards the droid making Harry blink.

"My name is Harry." He said only now noticing the slight rasp in his voice making him raise his hand to the bandaged wound.

"Ah. Sorry I have had so little company besides HK that I forget that we humans are fragile things." He said moving towards Harry handing him a cup of steaming liquid.

"Here this tea should help." Harry accepted the cup and slowly started to drink.

"Now then. What brought you to us Harry?" Revan asked after Harry had finished his cup.

After hearing the tale Revan sat with his chin resting in his hands.

"And you said you were guided here by an unseen being?" He asked making Harry nod not having another way of describing the feeling that had come over him to head towards the great tree that was now above him. Revan gained a small smile.

"Finally." He said making HK blink his red eyes.

"Master?" He asked elder man.

"HK for a time now I have sensed that I was needed to teach one last student...or group of students before I became one with the Force. It seems that the first of which has now come before us." Revan said motioning towards Harry.

Harry looked at Revan in confusion before the elder smiled at him. "Tell me Harry. What do you know of the Force and of the Jedi?"

A/N: When you go to Avain1991 profile and read this story, understand that he actually has the prologue and first chapter together.

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