Chapter 11

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Obi-Wan Kenobi or Ben to his friends looked out of the viewport of the bridge of the ship Serenity.

The same ship that had once brought him on a journey that had changed his life.

The last time he stood before this same viewport was just before he met the woman who became his bond mate, the man who became his friend and brother, and the women that became his sisters as well as earned the mark of the Lycan pack.

Now years later he stood upon the same bridge at the age of twenty-one looking at a visage that caused a disturbance in his soul.

Before him was the green world of Naboo where his brother and Alpha Harry Potter was stationed as the bodyguard of the worlds queen.

Along with him was his first wife Hermione Potter and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano. All three along with all the people of Naboo faced a great danger.

Surrounding the planet was a blockade of ships from the Trade Federation each armed to the teeth keeping everyone on the planet below.

The Naboo had sent a single vessel to try and learn why they were being targeted only for the ship to be blown out of the sky the moment it neared the blockade.

This had caused Harry to quickly contact the Jedi Temple requesting backup and aid.

A request the newly knighted Obi-Wan was more than willing to answer. With him were three others. Harry's other two wives Daphne and Susan as well as the Padawan learner Asajj Ventress.

The Dathomirian Padawan had become like a little sister to Susan after they had first met and she had come with them to repay a debt of honor between them.

Susan had saved the life of Ventress' Master Ky Narec making the Dathomirian believe she owned Susan.

A belief Susan had tried to argue against until she realized it was futile.

Once the other Lycans had heard about the danger their husband and sister wives were in they dropped everything to join him.

Both women had earned their own knighthoods a month before him, and Master Ky agreed that they might need the help of his Padawan allowing her to join them.


Daphne had gathered clothing with help from the Twi'lek Vette to give her the appearance of a noblewoman, dye to change her blond locks into a raven black, contacts to make her icy blue eyes appear a dark ocean blue, and anything else to look the part.

The mission was simple.

Daphne would lead them disguised as an ambassador from the Republic sent to negotiate the disbanding of the blockade.

Ventress and one other would be dressed as her maids wearing a simple dress and garb showing their status.

All while Susan and he would wear their Jedi garb acting as guards something the Republic would and has done in the past.

"I feel like a fool!" Ventress growled as she tugged at the dress she wore. It was a deep purple making her pale skin stand out, the head pieces of silver added to her silver hair, and she wore heels.

Needless to say the warrior woman was not pleased with the garb.

"It's the perfect disguise for you Ventress. The moment we are aboard you two will slip away and perform your mission. All while the rest of us will play our parts."

Daphne said as she put her now darkly colored hair in a bun placing a small piece of jewelry that looked like a flame standing tall.

"Besides you don't hear me complaining." Korra Bender said as she tucked away a blaster pistol in her outfit.

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