Chapter 1 - The Beginning

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Kate's POV

"Cause I'm just gonna shake shake shake shake shake and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate, something something hey hey h-" I softly sang the lyrics (somewhat), doing a little dance, walking towards the door of our school.


The silence that had been my best friend, Alexa, scrolling her twitter timeline beside me, had been replaced by her sudden slight anger.

"CAN YOU SHUT YOUR MOUTH PLEASE? Oh my lord, I am getting a headache."

Okay. Maybe a little more than slight anger. I laugh at her hatred for the new Taylor Swift song and smirk.

"STOP HATING OK. THAT'S GONNA MAKE HER SHAKE MORE, STUPID," I yelled back at her, before mimicking Taylor's cringe-worthy dance moves.

"I don't even know this child. If anyone comes in the parking lot right now, I legitimately don't know who you are," she sighs, rubbing the bridge of her nose and shaking her head.

"Oh? You don't know me?"I feign a sad pout, getting ready to deliver the line that has become famous between us for the past three months.

She knows what's coming next, and it shows in the dumb grin that flashes onto her face.

"Well then. Looks like I'll have to find someone else to come to Orlando with me for march break."


I roll my eyes at her using my full name and we burst out laughing. We've been waiting for this trip for three. whole. months. But...

"I can't believe it Lex! Just gotta make it through today and then we leave tomorroooooooooow!" I shriek, jumping up and down.

"I can. I can literally picture it. Our dark hair blowing in the breeze out of a convertible...Our tan arms fist-pumping to our hella fly music... And our boring ass days of Civics and Accounting behind us," she says finally grabbing the door handle and leading the way down the hallway.

"Um... First of all, we're in grade 10 friendo. You know, does the age of sixteen strike a bell? Girl, we can't drive without an adult in the car. And where the hell are we gonna get a convertible from?"

"Okay, I'm not an idiot Kate. Just let me dream friend. Just let me dream."

I roll my eyes and laugh as Lex looks down a hallway we pass by, trying to look as philosophical as possible. Soon enough, we reach our other best friend, Brooklyn's locker. Brooke is around 5'7, just like me, while Lex is taller at 5'8ish. Brooke has light caramel skin with dark brown hair - usually put to the side in a braid - and wide, bright hazel eyes. Alexa on the other hand, has dark tanned skin, with black wavy hair that goes down to about her shoulders and thinner, darker brown eyes. Finally, I have a decent tan, with straight brown hair (hitting a little bit past my shoulders) and wide brown eyes. I'm not the prettiest yeah, but I'm not getting anywhere in life by calling myself ugly, so I like to just think of my appearance as... Tolerable.

"Waddup Brooooooooooooooke?" I say, dragging the middle of her nickname.

"Not much, just tired."

"ARE YOU EXCITED FOR TOMORROW?" Lex blurts right in her ear.

"Ow! And DUH!" They start jumping around together. I giggled, I've never really hung out with them for more than a full day at best, so this was gonna adventure.


"MOM! MOOOOOM! MOM!" I yelled around the house. We were leaving in another half an hour and I was jumping out of my skin.

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