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Me and Jah are up in my room right now. We just finished eating like 10 minutes ago and I'm mad tired now.

"Jah can I ask you a question?" "Yeah what is it?" He looks over at me from his spot on the spinny chair. He kicked me outa the spinny chair so I'm on the bed. "I noticed you ain't eat much. (BITCH ITS STRANGE YOU ACT LIKE I AINT NOTICED! Srry I had to 🤷🏽‍♀️) Do you mind if I ask why?"

He visibly tenses and I realize I probly shouldn't have asked that question. "Sorry for asking-" "No it's fine. Gotta go." He gets up and walks out the door.

I get up and go after him, "Wait! Will you come to the park tomorrow?" I ask and he turns around. "Maybe." Then he just walks away.


"Ma, can we leave?" I ask while hopping off the last few steps of the Goulborne's stairs. She looks over at me, "Why? Weren't you just all over that boy and now you wanna leave?"

I feel the heat rise to my cheeks. "I-i just don't feel good." I lie, hoping she'll take it. "Ok. I guess we'll leave." She says while getting up.

I walk away and go outside, getting in the car. She comes in a few seconds later and says, "Bot I know you ain't sick. Now tell me why you wanted to leave." And hits the back of my head.

"No I really am sick." I whine. "Whatever." She rolls her and sucks her teeth. She acts more like a kid then I do.

The drive back is silent and we manage to make it back without crashing.

I get out of the car and go straight upstairs to my room. I flip down on my bed and sigh. Why did this day have to end so bad?

It was goin so good then BOOM reality hits you in the face and you realize that your life couldn't be that good. It's sad how much my imagination gets to me. I was doin so good and then I just broke down and stopped faking happy. It's no use to try being happy it's not like it's gonna last long.

I hear a knock on the door and sit up, "Come in." I say while yawning. I hear the door open and look over to see Stokeley. I open my mouth to say something but he cuts me off,

"Before you go off on me I just came to say I'm sorry." I close my mouth and he looks at me expectantly.

"What are you sorry for? You didn't do anything wrong." I say flippantly. He sighs and sits at the end of my bed. I pull my legs and wraps my arms around them. He sighs again and says,

"I'm sorry for bringing the food thing up. I ain't think it was gonna be a sensitive topic. I'm sorry." He places a caring hand on my knee and sighs but smiles slightly.

"What are you smilin at?" I ask with a pout on my face.

"Just the most beautiful person I've ever met."

If I ever just write a song down in the middle of the chapter just ignore it. It's kinda a instinct 😂😂 Anyway did you like it? Please vote and comment. Bye...


Also skip this next part if you don't wanna hear a sad story.

So there was this boy at my school who was loved and adored by many people and he recently had a sudden cardiac arrest and almost died. They put him on life support but are gonna take him off soon. His name was Daron and I just wanna ask y'all to send your prayers to his family and help them get though this. Thanks.
#LLD #BBD❤️ Fly High❤️😇

 #LLD #BBD❤️ Fly High❤️😇

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