(chapter 3) PUNishment

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Just letting you know that this has some swearing in it but do whatever you want I don't care.
"Oh god I am soo dead" muttered red under his breath as he stood under the large pine tree in Snowdin forest.

Dust already littering his trainers.

"DOOMFANGER YOU LITTLE SH#T GET DOWN HERE NOW!" He bellowed, but the little ginger kitten just went higher into the tree branches.

In desperation red tried to levitate the kitten by Grabbing its soul. But his magic couldn't grab onto anything.

"Of course, I should have known hell beasts like you wouldn't bother with something as trivial, mind you having no soul would serve me well so I can't judge."

Just then he heard feet crunching in the snow and red began to panic, knowing boss would surely PUNish him when he found out his cat was stuck in a tree. As the crunching got louder he began to think whether joining doomfanger up in the tree wouldn't be such a bad idea.


Red began to ponder if hell had its own version of Grillbz


Maybe the mustard Down there would taste like hot sauce...


God he hated hot sauce-

"Hell-ooo! Anyone home!" Said ink wrapping his knuckles on the empty sentry station.

He had not seen red hastily duck behind a tree.

Red slowly allowed himself a glance at the imposter before coming to the conclusion that some kind off deceased carebear  had wondered into his universe by mistake.

Heh, this loser wouldn't last a minute in this place.

"You do know that THIS LOSER actually created this universe and all the overs so I think I be just fine~" said the skeleton as if reading his thoughts.

Wa? How...this couldn't be-
"Ink's the name!" He said strolling up to red and offering his hand to shake.

Red didn't take it.

"If your ink why the hell are you here?!" Red demanded, a little more hostile then intended.

"I'm here for you!" Ink said pointing at him oblivious to his angry tone.
"Oh yea? And why's that?"
"You'll find out soon enough. Sorry for frightening you by the way. Straight out teleporting to you could of drained my magic, which isn't very useful when you need to transport some one to another AU," said ink causally while summoning a portal.

" and who is this person you need to transport-"
"Less chit chat, more travelling. See ya buddy!"
Said ink, pushing red into the portal and disappearing just as fast.

Sorry this chapter was so short, I'm posting another one tomorrow so see you then!

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