part 4

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"Tai," you say as you reach him. He turns slowly and looks at you, his face not reacting at all. He pauses, waiting for you to continue. "Can we talk, please."
His face remains unreadable and he nods, "okay." He carries on walking so you walk alongside him, his legs were a lot longer so you had to walk a little faster than him but you just wanted to chat.
"Do you want to find somewhere to sit? It's just a little hard to walk and talk," you suggest.
He rolls eyes, "fine, but I need to get lunch."
You walk with him, silently while he buys his lunch from a food truck nearby. When he gets it, you follow him to a bench by the city's water fountain. You wrap your arms around yourself as a gust of wind hits.
He digs into his sandwich and you take that as your cue to start talking, "I'm so sorry, Tai. Last night...I didn't think about how what I did would make you feel. I feel so bad about forgetting our plans and for taking a car back with Yoongi. The reason I did was because I didn't want you to have to drive all the way here but to be honest, it would have been nice to spend time in the car with you.
"I'm also sorry about spending a lot of time with Yoongi. I didn't realise you felt...the way you do about mine and his friendship, but that's all it is, Tai. A friendship. We work together so we spend a lot of hours with each other, but that doesn't mean I have feelings for him, I have feelings for you and only you." You conclude.
"But what about him?" He finally speaks up.
"What do you mean?"
"Does he have feelings for you?"
"No! Of course not! He's Yoongi, no-one really knows if he has feelings at all," you joke. But instantly feel bad for mocking him. You know about Yoongi's struggles with expressing how he feels. That was a low blow.
"Okay. So where do we go from here? This doesn't change the fact that you spend so many hours with him, even more than you really have to in your contract. I many hours with one're bound to get close to them."
"But, Tai, we don't just hang out, we're working! And it's for the good of the group, we're just working on the music, to make it better for the boys!" You argue.
"Okay, but I work on choreo, right? Yet, I would only work the hours I have to, because it would be weird if I spent so many hours with all the others on the dance team! Like, how would you feel if I stayed in the office working with Lina 'til basically midnight?" Lina was the only girl on the dance team, she was one who came up with concepts for the choreography and often worked closely with Tai.
" wouldn't feel nice," you grumbled, imagining it.
"No, it's worse than that, it makes you feel forgotten about!"
"But Tai, I'm just trying to be good at my job! And it was a one-off, it's only happened a handful of times!" You fight back, defending your working your career.
"Well then it's your choice, (Y/n). Me or your work. Because you can't have both. You can either stop putting in extra hours and come home with me....or....we're done."
You gasp at the ultimatum he was giving you. You wanted to challenge him for making you choose between two important things in your life, but his face told you he wasn't messing around and you didn't want to risk him leaving. So you gave it no thought, "You, always."
He exhaled in relief. "Okay, so from now on we go home together at 6pm everyday." You nod. "And we spend evenings together."
"What if there are extreme circumstances?" You ask, navigating terms and conditions. He raises his eyebrows and makes a pained face, "Okay fine. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it, I guess." You mumble, looking at your feet.
"Thank you, baby." He says and lifts your chin up, bringing his face to yours. He kisses you passionately, but the fire in your stomach means you hold back a little. You walk back into BigHit hand-in-hand, smiling at people as you go.
When you reach the production room that you often inhabited with Yoongi, Tai opens the door for you. Yoongi is sat at his computer, back to work as lunch break ended ten minutes ago. "Sorry I'm late," you tell him.
Tai stays holding the door open, "You going to tell him what we talked about?" Tai asked you. You made eye contact with him, digging him out. You were going to but now it seems much more malicious.
"Tell me what?" Yoongi asked, confusion written across his expression.
Tai smirks and says, "I'll leave you to it, (Y/N)."
Prick you think as he leaves.
"Tell me what?" Yoongi repeats, even more curious now.
You finally look him in the eyes and he leans forward in his chair, towards you. "Well...we sorted things. Me and Tai. But he asked that you and I don't spend extra hours at the office, and that him and I go home at 6 O'Clock everyday."
"What? Seriously?" He asks, and you can't tell if he's angry or amused.
"Yeah.." you fiddle with your fingers, "He felt like he wasn't seeing me enough."
Yoongi chuckles at this, "You guys work in the same building!"
"I know, I'm sorry," you apologise.
"'s not your fault. You have to do what you have to do, relationships take I'm told," He mutters that last part.
"So it might take us a few more days on each track or just doing a track a day, if that's alright?"
He breathes in through his teeth, "I don't think that will work with our deadlines." He rubs his face with his hands. "It's okay..I'll just stay behind and work on them myself."
"No, Yoongi-" you start but he interrupts.
"It's fine, (y/n)," he chuckles, "I'm a big boy and plus, maybe it'll give me a chance to develop my skills further."
You sigh, "Okay, but I'll let Bang PD-nim know I'm not working as many hours as you, it's not fair if I get credit."
"You don't have to do that," he says, chuckling lightly. It wasn't a real laugh, kind of forced.
"It's the least I could do...considering...." you say.
"Anyway, let's just..get back to work then." Yoongi proceeds.
"Oh yeah, did you get the feedback sheets from Hitman Bang?" you ask.
You work on polishing the tracks according to feedback but you only get halfway through when someone enters the room.
"(Y/n), ready to go home?" A voice distinctly says. You take off your headphones, but Yoongi ignores the voice.
"Tai? But it's only..." you check the time on the computer you were on, "5.15?"
Tai shrugs, "well I'm going home now. You can either come with me or...." he trails off.
You sigh and tap Yoongi's shoulder. He takes off his headphones and acknowledges Tai's presence. "Ah, YeeTai. Hi."
"Hi." Tai replies, unenthusiastically.
"I'm sorry, Yoongi, but I have to go now." You tell him, trying to show your genuine apology with your facial expression and tone of voice.
"Ah, so soon?" Yoongi says, sounding slightly provoking. "Sure, no worries. I'll uh...see you tomorrow, then."
"Yeah, see you tomorrow." You grab your bag and coat. You usually give Yoongi a hug before you leave...but this time...Tai's eyes are piercing holes in your back. So you settle for a wave. "Bye, Yoongi."
Yoongi seems to notice the change in farewell as his eyebrows furrow. "Yeah...bye." He says, unsurely.
As you shut the door, Tai smirks with satisfaction. "Love you, babe." He says, grabbing your hand in his.
You just smile as you can't bring yourself to say it back, Yoongi's strikes face stuck in your head.

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