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It's been 5 years since the 70th Annul Hunger Games that 15-year-old Dakota Charles won. No one from District 4 had won since Dakota. When she got back her mother didn't want to see her but at least her best friend was there. Her fellow victor Finnick Odair was Dakota Charles' best friend. Finnick was a tall sandy blonde with pale grey green eyes. They grew up together, playing, fishing, swimming, until Finnick got reaped. Dakota was so upset because she had grown feelings for Finnick when she turned 10, before the day of the reaping. When he won she was so happy but only saw him rarely because of something he didn't tell her. After Dakota came back her and Finnick spent a lot of time together. When the 74th games came Dakota was mentoring and met Katniss and Peeta. Now it's time for the 75th Annual Hunger Games...


Dakotawas in bed, sleeping and dreaming. It been the first time since she got a goodnight's sleep since the Games. She couldn't help but smile as she slept, then it turnedinto something that she never wanted to see again. The waterfall and cloudsfrom her dream turned to when she returned home. The plane landed, and thePeace-keeper grabbed Dakota and dragged her to the Victors Quarters whereFinnick and her mother Lauren were waiting for her. As the plane left she ranto her mother, faster then when she may have been killed. As she slowed to hugher mother, Lauren stepped back. "Mother, what are you doing?" Dakota asked stubbornly, wanting to hugher mother. Lauren looked at Dakota with red eyes and tears, she took a breath,opened her mouth but nothing came out. Her mouth moved but no sound came out.She turned to Finnick, he did the same thing, his mouth moved with a smile onhis face, but no sound came out... Suddenly sound came but it wasn't theirvoices, it was the screams of tributes being killed in the Blood Bath at thestart of the Games. The screams were all high and coming from every direction,Dakota covered her ears and blinked rapidly, tears filling her eyes. She fellto her knees and tightly closed her eyes. Dakota now joined the screams and sodid her name. Dakota, they shouted, Dakota...Dakota... "Dakota...DAKOTA!" Dakota woke, sweat beating down her head, gasping forbreath. She shot up and nearly knocked heads with the person next to her. Shefelt a hand reach her shoulder, she turned with her hair sticking to her face.Finnick was next to her, his hand on her shoulder and his face written withshock. Dakota wiped her face and turned to properly face Finnick. "W-W-When did you get here?"Dakota questions panting, Finnick rubbed Dakota's shoulder in comfort. "Areyou ok Dakota...you don't look well." Finnick asked. Dakota shifted a little andFinnick released her shoulder, so she could get out of bed. Dakota gave Finnicka look. Dakota hated when Finnick never answers her questions, "Oh, sorry. I got here about 3-4 minutes ago. Mags said that Snow'sgiving a speech and you didn't know so, obviously I came to tell you. I came inand heard you scream so I came running to find you...here...asleep...sorry." Finnicksaid. Dakota went into her wardrobe and changed from her pj's into along-sleeved top and pants. When she returned Finnick was siting on her bed,waiting for her. "You ready to see the interview?" Finnick asked, standing up. Dakotawalked to Finnick, nodded and they both moved to the door. As they walked outand down the stairs, Dakota thought about what Snow could possibly want to talkabout...Panem...Rebellion...Districts...Peace-keepers. As they reached the living room,Finnick reached for Dakota's shoulder again. She turned to face him. "I don't know what it will be about, but youcan go back to bed...if you want...if you feel uncomfortable." Finnick told her, ashe held both her shoulders. "I think I'll be OK, but thanks for worrying about me Finn." Dakotareplied. Dakota always called Finnick Finn, since they have been friendsforever, but Finnick could never think of a name for Dakota. As they went tothe couch they heard a knock. "I'll get it," Dakota said, smiling at Finnick. Finnick nodded and headto put the screen on. Dakota walked to the door and could now smell the saltywater from outside. She hated that smell, it also didn't help that she didn'tlike District 4, as she got to the door the smell got peaceful. Dakota knewthat smell like the back of her hand...it must be Mags who was at the door.

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