the gang as YouTubers(this sucks im sorry)

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Darry would post about his job and/or
Video tape a beautiful landscape or something and put music over it

Pony would probably do the asmr things. He won't whispered to people, he'll like tap his nails on shit and would try not to laugh.(he edits like antonio garza) but he'll also talk shit about people on his channel

Soda and Steve will have a yt channel together. They'll try to do challenges, like the cinnamon challenge and the salt and ice one. They also tried to fuck with a bee hive but some cop saw then and told them to leave it alone.

Two-Bit would just do vlogs. He'll record the gang and zoom into their face randomly as he ask then questions and bother them. He also kinda edits like antonio garza

Dally would post short videos of the gang doing stupid shit or being weird. He'll also go up to random people and fuck with them

Johnny would post different things, like he'll play the ukulele, he walked around the neighborhood petting any dog he sees, he had a video captioned "I try to catch everytime dally smiles/laughs"

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