Chapter One: Young Love

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     Michael Langdon was a peculiar character from the start. He didn't have many friends at the school for exceptional young boys, but everyone knew his name. The one person whom he would consider his friend went by the name of Elliott Grey, a fellow warlock whom he had begun to tutor. Not because Elliott wasn't exceptional in nearly all areas of magic, but because the dark-haired male had just one area of the study he wasn't as well versed in like the rest. Michael saw this as in incredible strength, to not get too cocky with what he was good at and to be able to admit he needed help in an area, even if Elliott was one of the best damn warlocks in the school. Michael stood, running a brush through his curled, golden locks before he dressed for the day. He was supposed to meet Elliott downstairs for breakfast before the commenced their tutoring session in the music room. Since it was a Saturday, most of the other boys were out, or home with their families. Of course, not having any families to go home to, Elliott and Michael spent all of their time at the School.

     Elliott dressed himself for the day, not even bothering to try and tame the mop of dark curls on his head. He was supposed to meet Michael downstairs in a couple minutes and he was just as excited as ever. Michael was the best warlock in the school by far, he could pretty much do anything, and Elliott had been failing telekinesis. As talented as he was, he couldn't stand having one area where he struggled, so for the last two weeks the "boy wonder" had been tutoring him. Of course, it was rather awkward at first -- and still could be, at times. Michael was extremely unique, and there was something almost dark about the look in his eyes sometimes. Elliott, the precious goody-two-shoes he was, always managed to be a little flustered and nervous around the blonde. He couldn't help it. The brunette snapped out of his thoughts, slipping on his shoes and heading downstairs to meet his tutor.

     Micheal stood waiting, not bothering to even look at food options until Elliott came downstairs. He knew he would be there soon, it was like he could feel the light and goodness radiating off of the boy. He couldn't tell if he wanted to study the boy's innocence, or corrupt it beyond repair, but he felt drawn to it nevertheless. "Elliott..." His full lips spread into a smile, a smile that actually spread to his piercing blue eyes, which it didn't do often. "Did you sleep well?" He asked, that soft smile still on his face. Was it possible that someone as dark and twisted as the Antichrist had a soft spot for someone so pure and wholesome as Elliott? Most definitely, and it was only growing by the day.

      Elliott smiled up at him softly, nodding his head as he approached the blonde. "I did, actually, for once," he said with a tiny laugh, sticking his hands in his pockets. He bit his lip, glancing around at the emptiness of the place. It was normal for it to be empty over the weekend, but it was still a little strange for him. "I'm not actually all that hungry, if I'm being honest," he said, looking down at his feet and turning one side to side nervously.

     "Good." Micheal allowed his smile to spread and he tilted his head at the response. " need food to create energy, and you'll need your energy for today, Elliott." He assured, placing a hand on his shoulder and guiding him over to the food area.

   Elliott smiled a bit, following him over to take a plate. "I guess that makes sense," he said softly, taking a little bit of the food and waiting for Michael to do the same before going to sit down. He glanced up at the blonde before looking back down at his plate again. Those piercing blue eyes were difficult to look at for too long.

   Micheal grabbed his food and sat across from Elliott, taking a bite out of an apple he grabbed. "Have you practiced since last weekend?" He asked, eyes focused solely on Elliott. He couldn't help but look at the male, he was... intriguing, of course he was attractive as well, but it wasn't his physical appearance that really lured Micheal in.

      Elliott refused to look up from his plate, now feeling a bit embarrassed at the question. "I've practiced every day, but..." he picked at the fruit on his plate, glancing up at Michael again. "I haven't really been able to do any better." He finally began to eat, but he was too nervous to eat much. The boy would rather just learn, catch up in this class he was failing.

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