Chapter 7: Black Mass and a Wednesday Night Potluck

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When they walked into the room everyone turned, including the one leading the mass. "What's this?" She asked, looking over the two new boys

Elliott held onto Michael's hand up until they entered the mass, figuring he shouldn't do it in front of everyone. There were two people, bound in their underwear, kneeling at the front of the room. "Someone else deserves this honor," the older lady said, looking back to Michael. "This is our savior, the one we've been waiting for."

The woman at the front gasped slightly as Michael had made his way to her and shown her his mark. The man who was about to kill the two kind of sulked away, pouting a bit. The woman kneeled down, offering him the knife. Michael kissed her head, taking the knife and stepping behind the two, looking out at the congregation before he slit both of their throats in one swift motion

Elliott stood to the side, watching Michael with a look of pride on his face. However, as he watched the blonde literally murder the two innocent people, he began to wonder. He should feel scared. Frightened. Or even just a little guilty??? But no. He felt nothing but pride and love for Michael, and that slightly concerned him. Normally, with his personality, he'd been running away screaming before ever setting foot in a black mass. But here, he felt at home.

Michael smiled over at Elliott, feeling the pride and joy radiate off of him. A few hours later, a potluck was being held and everyone was offering their dishes for Michael to try. Of course Michael was patient and calm, taking a bite of a dish and then feeding a bite to Elliott who was by his side

Elliott was getting frustrated with the crowd, for one thing. During the whole meal, all he wanted was to talk to Michael about this strange feeling that he'd noticed, but he couldn't get a single word in without people interrupting. There was an odd sense of anger growing in him, like he'd never felt before. "Can I touch your hair?" one woman said softly, reaching for Michael. That's when Elliott finally snapped. "Back the fuck off, okay? Give us some goddamn space!" he yelled at the surrounding crowd, before sitting back down with a huff.

Michael raised a brow and placed a hand on Elliott's leg. He leaned in, whispering "are you okay baby?" He asked, concerned. It wasnt like Elliott to lash out like that. It was kind of attractive to be honest, but it was still obvious something was bothering the male

Elliott rested his elbows on the table, sighing heavily. "I'm fine," he mumbled. "I just need to talk to you about something if I ever get the chance," the brunette muttered, running his fingers through his hair and pushing it back. One of the people closest to them pointed her finger at Elliott, calling out loudly. "Ha! I knew it! I knew he was the companion, look, he's marked!" Elliott glanced up again, furrowing his eyebrows. "I'm the what? What are you talking about?"

Michael frowned and began to get up, but he was stopped when someone shouted about Elliott. "What?" He raised a brow, confused, still keeping a calming arm on Elliotts leg as he waited for an answe

The woman walked closer again. "I saw it when he pushed his hair back! The mark, he has it!" she exclaimed. Elliott raised an eyebrow, glancing at Michael. "What are you talking about, I don't have a mark. Why would I be marked?" he asked quickly.

"I dont know..." he gently brushed Elliott's hair aside to find that he did in fact have a mark identical to his own. He touched the back of his ear, " do have a mark." He confirmed "what does this mean?" He asked, looking to the woman who pointed it out

Elliott's eyes were wide at the revelation that he had been marked. "Don't you know?" she asked the two of them. "When God created Adam, he created Eve as a lifetime companion for him. In the same way, our Dark Father Satan will allows his son to choose a lifetime companion. If his son forms a bond with someone, Satan makes that bond infinitely stronger. It looks like he's been chosen," she explained.

Michael blinked, looking over to Elliott "I dont" he was overjoyed that Elliott was his, and he was Elliotts, but he didnt know how Elliott would take it, and that made him nervous. "Excuse us." He said, standing and pulling Elliott into another room so they could talk in private.

Elliott's eyes were still wide as Michael pulled him into another room. "I'm... wait—so this means, I've been chosen by your father?" he asked softly, looking up at Michael. The pieces were falling together for him finally. "Oh... oh! That's why I found you in the woods! Because of the bond!" he connected.

Michael smiled "you're happy?" He asked, placing his hands on Elliott's hips and resting his forehead against his. He was relieved, no ecstatic. He knew everyone would be waiting for them both to return, but he wanted to take in every second he had alone with Elliott, something told him he wouldnt get much more alone time with him for a while

Elliott reached up to wrap his arms around Michaels shoulders, a smile forming on his face. "Of course I'm happy, Michael... I love you," he said softly. "This just means that our love will only grow stronger, that we'll be together forever."

Michael smiled widely and kissed him lovingly. "I love you so much." He said, holding him close and never wanting to let go. He couldnt think it anything better than ruling the new world with Elliott by his side, sharing everything with him

Elliott kissed him back gently, a wide grin still on his face. "I love you too," he said happily. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders suddenly. No more confusion. He knew what the strange feeling he'd been having was, and he knew he didn't have to worry about it anymore. "Should we, um, go back out there...? Sorry I got a little irritated with them," he said with a small laugh.

"honestly? We probably should. But that was hot as hell." He whispered, licking his lips as he locked eyes with Elliott, but damn they really did have to get back out there. He resisted his urges and settled for a peck on Elliott's cheek before he made his way back to the main room with Elliott where they sat once more. "Please, everyone sit and eat, enjoy the food, Satan knows we cant eat it all." He laughed as he sat down again, taking a long drink of the wine offered.

Elliott chuckled softly at Michael's comment, going out and sitting down next to him again. This time, people went about their usual business and ate their food. The woman that had taken them in sat across from them. "So? What's next? How does the apocalypse begin?" she asked excitedly. Elliott hesitated slightly, knowing that Michael wasn't quite sure about that yet. He didn't want the blonde to get upset or angry.

Michael raised a brow "how am I supposed to know?" He asked, a little irritated with everyone expecting him to automatically know everything. Honestly he had no clue what he was supposed to do next. "The one fucking person..." he scoffed slightly, "the one person who gave me a sense of direction is dead. So if you know where to find a fucking instruction manual, please for my fucking sake, let me know!" He snarled.

Elliott reached over and placed a hand on his knee, hoping to calm him down. The lady flinched back a bit, remaining silent for a few moments. "Well, if she's dead... there are ways to work around that."

Michael calmed almost instantly at Elliotts touch, tilting his head a bit. "What do you mean?" He had already tried to bring his Miss Mead back any way he knew now, but he simply couldn't. So how could this pie baking mortal do anything more or know anything more than he had already tried?

The woman smiled again. "I need to take you somewhere. Come, we can go now," she said, standing up. Elliott raised an eyebrow, not quite understanding. Where the hell would she possibly take them so that they could "work around death?"

Michael only felt more confused, but it wasnt as though he couldnt handle it if she tried to harm either of them, he looked down to Elliott. "Come my love" he said, reaching out his hand for Elliott to take.

Elliott took his hand, intertwining their fingers and following the lady out of the mass. "Where are we going?" he asked her. She simply shook her head. "You'll find out when we get there."

Michael squeezed Elliotts hand lightly in a reassuring manner. He walked closely with him until they got to the womans car, where he held open the back door for Elliott to get in before he got in on the other side.

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