Chapter 12: Burn Witch, Burn

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"what is it, my king?" Michael turned to his love and followed his gaze to the monitor. "Ah..." he clicked his tongue, standing and straightening his clothes. "Elliott dear, are you feeling better?" He turned to him.

Elliott slowly stood from the bed, straightening out his clothes again. "It still hurts a little, but I'll be okay," he reassured his love, moving to press a gentle kiss to Michael's cheek. Miss Mead stood by, a prideful expression on her face. "My Michael has grown up and fallen in love," she cooed, absolutely happy now that she understood everything.

Michael smiled "Yes, Miss Mead, head over heels." He smiled as he looked over to Elliott, the pure love he had for the Male showing on his face. He offered Elliott his arm, offering the other to Miss Mead "shall we?" He smiled

Elliott smiled proudly, taking Michael's arm as Miss Mead took the other one. "We're ready, love," Elliott said softly, moving to open the door for all of them. He could feel the presence of the witches now, they'd raised their own from the dead and there were plenty of them to contend with.

"you've grown so much my love." He smiled and looked between the two of them before leading them down the hall and to the top of the stairs. "Cute, but that's not going to save you." He announced, watching as Cordelia turned to him. "Your tantrum is over Michael, it's time to put an end to this." Coco and Mallory stood behind Cordelia. "We will stop you." The blonde announced. "Yeah." Mallory agreed, and coco stood behind her as well "me too..." she lowered her voice and looked to Cordelia "just don't let me die again okay? That really sucked the first time.."

Elliott stood next to Michael proudly, hands clasped behind his back. "I always thought the works would end with fire and ice, not witches and warlocks," Myrtle said with disdain. Elliott widened his stance a bit, watching their every move and preparing to hold them off if they tried to do anything.

Before Michael could do anything he was blown back by his beloved miss Mead exploding. Madison ran forward, grabbing the gun that was her arm, pointing it at Michael and loading him with bullets before he could even blink. Of course, Michael layed there, dead for a moment, sitting against the wall in a pool of what was left of miss mead, a thick white liquid, and his own blood.

Elliott was thrown back over the railing onto the floor, a good few feet away from Michael. His eyes became wide at the puddle of blood seeping from his lover, and yet he was strangely calm. Michael couldn't die. Not now, not when they were so close. Elliott slowly stood up on shaky legs, eyes focused on Michael. Cordelia quickly ushered Mallory, Coco, Myrtle and Marie Laveau upstairs so they could finish what they were trying to do, while Madison remained there to keep watch.

Madison turned to point the gun at Elliott, cocking it. "Any last words, loverboy?" She tilted her head, flipping her hair over her shoulder. Behind her, Michael began to stir, slowly making his way off of the floor and onto his feet

Elliott bit his lip, glancing behind her at Michael before looking back at her. "I really wouldn't do that if I were you," he warned, relieved that his instincts had been correct and Michael was okay.

Michael growled lowly "oh fuck..." Madison barely got her last words out before Michael killed her, watching her blood and brains splatter everywhere. "Are you alright my love?" He asked as he cracked his neck and shook his shoulders, stepping over Madison's limp body and towards his love.

Elliott nodded, his pupils dilating a little as he looked at his lover, covered in his own blood. "I'm fine. Come, we need to go," he urged. "They went upstairs, and I think I know what they're trying to do." Images of a younger Michael kept flashing in his mind, images of Mallory hurting him. He knew exactly what the girl was trying to do, go back in time and erase Michael from existence. And damn if he was going to let that happen.

Michael nodded, he knew there was no time, but damn did he want to kiss those beautiful lips right now. Seeing Elliott so strong and confident in himself and his actions made his heart soar. He made his way up the stairs, laughing as he saw miss Marie in his way. "You honestly think your voodoo bullshit can stop me?" He sneered. Shoving his hand into her chest and ripping out her heart. He watched her eyes widen before her body fell and he turned, taking a bite of the juicy heart and licking his lips as he turned his wrist, snapping coco's neck before she could attack him. "Pathetic."

Elliott stood a few feet behind, staying out of Michael's way while he was on a rage. Honestly, seeing him bite into the heart and licking the blood from his lips made Elliott nearly go weak at the knees, but he didn't have time to concentrate before a scream rang out. Mallory has seen her best friend's neck get snapped, and she was pissed beyond belief. She transmutated past Michael and grabbed onto Elliott's arm. "Cordelia!" she yelled, and the Supreme appeared next to her before the three of them disappeared completely.

Michael growled, instantly following them. "You really think you can take him from me again?!" He screamed, his voice shaking the very foundation of the building they were in. "I didn't think it was possible to enjoy killing you even more, but I'm going to." He snarled, following Cordelia

Elliott was left on the ground as Michael began to follow Cordelia. She egged him on, hoping to be a distraction from what Mallory was doing. "You think you can kill me? Go ahead and try!" she called out.

"I'll do more than try you vile bitch," he snarled, following her. He could have snapped her neck, killed her with no more than a thought, but she deserved to suffer. She deserved to feel every ounce of pain he planned on inflicting on her. "I'll succeed." He finished, throwing a chair at her without lifting a finger. Meanwhile, Mallory snuck around Elliott, making her way into a bathroom with a lock of Michael's hair they had procured in the fight at the Hawthorne school.

Elliott looked around, getting the visions once again. He knew Mallory was simply using this as a distraction now, the pieces clicked together in his head. "Oh no you fucking don't!" he snapped, lifting his hand and practically ripping the door from its hinges with his powers. Now using his telekinesis, it was no longer a book he summoned into his hand, but the nearest sharp thing he saw, and he grabbed her by the hair, thrusting the knife into her chest. "You won't fucking win this time, I promise," he snarled at the girl, gasping for breath with blood leaking from her mouth. He yanked the knife out, stabbing her again so forcefully that blood splattered lightly across his chest and face.

Michael felt something shift, and Cordelia stopped, letting out a cry of agony as she felt her powers getting stronger at the cost of her pupil's life. "Mallory!" She screamed, stumbling and trying to get to her. Michael snarled and grabbed Cordelia by her long blonde locks, smashing her face into the door frame. "I told you I'd already won, you self righteous, annoying, little gnat." He growled, grabbing a letter opener and shoving it in her back before kicking her over the railing. He panted lightly, looking down to his love. Goddamn, that was a sight to see. He teleported to right in front of Elliott, kicking Mallory's limp body aside and kissing his boy lovingly. "And now we create our new world, my King." He smiled against his lips.

Elliott panted softly, the adrenaline from killing Mallory still coursing through his veins. He kissed Michael back gently, reaching up to stroke his cheek and wipe some of the blood away. "All for you, my love. I'm yours, forever and always."

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