Chapter 6: The Savior is Here

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Elliott held Michael's hand tightly, biting his lower lip nervously as he noticed a rather shady-looking entrance to an alley with a pentagram painted on a wall. "Are we going in there?" he asked softly, strangely calm about the whole situation. "Why?" Of course, he trusted Michael, but this didn't exactly make sense. Why not try to find food or a place to stay?

"I don't know...just a feeling." He said, entering the building and sitting in the back. It was a black mass, Michael knew that, and so he sat and watched and motioned for Elliott to sit beside him. Some blonde woman was going on about how the congregation's sins weren't good enough, and Michael had to stifle his laughter when she announced her sin. "This bitch..." he whispered over to Elliott, trying not to burst into laughter

Elliott watched the whole scene take place with a raised eyebrow, rather intrigued by the whole situation. A small burning pain stung the back of his neck for a moment, and he scratched at it absentmindedly as he whispered back. "This is how people worship your father...?" he asked, almost in disdain at the people around him.

Michael rolled his eyes "this is how idiots think you're supposed to worship my Father." He corrected, standing and talking Elliott's hand "let's go find something to eat." He smiled, slipping quietly out of the black mass, back onto the streets. He scanned the area and found a restaurant, pointing it out.

Elliott had an odd sense of being watched as they left, turning to notice that one of the ladies was staring at them. He gripped Michaels hand as they went back out to find some food, nodding at the first suggestion the blonde made. "Michael, I... we don't have any money," he said suddenly, looking up at him in confusion. "How are we supposed to buy anything to eat?"

Michael held his hand and walked with him towards the restaurant. "I'll show you." He smiled and held out his hand, a crisp hundred dollar bill appeared in his hand. He was about to move when he saw a woman staring at them, though Michael only saw her looking at Elliott. "Do you have a fucking problem?" He snarled at her, stepping in front of Elliott protectively

Elliott's eyes widened at his use of magic. He didn't even think about that. However, his focus was quickly taken off the money when Michael snapped at the stranger. "Oh no, I just noticed you both looked hungry and you seem like you need a place to stay," she said softly. "Just trying to help out fellow believers. I saw you come into the mass." Elliott looked at her before looking back up at Michael. He honestly didn't know whether or not to trust her, but they could handle themselves if she turned out to be bad, right?

Michael's expression, though still guarded, softened. "Oh...sorry." he looked to Elliott before looking back at her. "Honestly I would kill for a shower and some food right now." He admitted with a smile, holding Elliott's hand and interlocking their fingers. If she even looked at Elliott wrong Michael wouldn't hesitate to snap her neck. Why that thought crossed his mind he didn't know, but he knew it was true

Elliott nodded, squeezing Michael's hand tightly. The lady smiled a bit and gestured for them to follow. "Come on, I only live a block over. I've got a spare room and some food for you," she said softly. Elliott glanced up at Michael before beginning to follow her, and it barely took them five minutes to reach her apartment. "The dining room is in there, go on and sit down and I'll get you something to eat really quick."

Michael nodded and pulled out a chair for Elliott, looking around the apartment before he sat down as well. This wasn't exactly what he had planned, but it did feel like he was getting somewhere like this was the beginning of the right path.

Elliott sat down and kept his hand tightly in Michael's, lowering his voice. "What are we going to do...?" he asked softly. "We started walking and ended up at a black mass, that has to mean something." Only a few moments later, the woman came in with a small plate of food for both of them, setting it down in front of both of them. "Here you go, that should work. So, what are your names? How'd you end up here?" she asked, sitting down as she tried to begin a conversation.

"I don't know El," he answered softly, looking up when the woman came back. "Thank you." He smiled as he looked down at the food, he didn't mean to be rude but dammit he was starving. He shoveled the food into his mouth, taking a break to answer "My name is Michael, and this is Elliott. And honestly?" He took another bite of food "we kind of just ended up here. " he answered honestly.

Elliott nodded in agreement, picking at his food. He wasn't nearly as hungry as Michael, and he was still rather wary about all this. "Well, that's how a lot of us end up here," the lady said, going into a long speech about how they all were on a journey to hell and how it was best to appease Satan now so they'd have better chances in the afterlife. Elliott raised an eyebrow as he listened. It sounded like utter bullshit, and not at all like the things Michael had told him.

Michael nearly choked on his food. "So the antichrist...he cant appear unless you 'pave the path' with horrible sins?" He asked, making sure he was understanding what she was saying before he called her out on her bullshit.

"Exactly," she said, seemingly delighted that he'd understood what she was saying. "It's our job to make the pathway for him so that when he comes, his job is easy and he knows what to do." Elliott couldn't help a small snicker, seeing the look on Michael's face. The lady turned her attention to him and scowled. "Is there something funny?" she asked.

Michael snickered a bit as well, unable to contain his laughter. "hilarious actually because...all of that?" He raised his brows, gesturing his hand, "utter horseshit." He explained, setting down his fork.

She turned her attention back to Michael, glaring at him. "Excuse me?" she said angrily, balling her hands into fists. "You dare insult the black church like that? Do you even know what you're talking about?" she snapped.

"I'd like to think so," Michael said, lifting his hair and tilting his head to show the mark of the beast behind his ear.

The lady's expression dropped, and she looked up at him in fear. "My lord... you are our savior," she said immediately, getting out of her chair to kneel down in front of him. Elliott raised an eyebrow again.

Michael smiled and kissed Elliott's cheek. "Yeah..just please don't steal from old people to give to the NRA, I don't even know what that means." He laughed a little. After a shower and a good nights sleep in a cozy bed with Elliott, Michael felt a lot better. They were supposed to attend the black mass today so the woman who took them in could reveal Michael as the savior to the believers. He gladly took the cloak and clothes the woman had offered to him and Elliott and once she left the room he leaned down and kissed Elliott softly "wake up sleepy head." He smiled and nudged him gently

Elliott mumbled softly, beginning to wake up at Michael's soft kisses. "Michael?" he asked with a yawn, stretching out in the bed. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, still groggy from sleeping so heavily. "What time is it? Are we going now...?"

Michael smiled and kissed him again "you're so adorable. " he mused, handing him the clothes and cloak. "It's about ten in the morning. And yes we should dress and get ready to leave." He stood and changed his clothes, carefully tying the cloak around his neck

Elliott began to change into the clothes he was given, raising an eyebrow at the cloak. "What are we, students at Hogwarts?" he mumbled as he tied it around his neck. He felt silly, but at the same time, he also kind of liked it. It made him feel almost regal. The clothes were a little bit on him, so he rolled up the sleeves and tucked in his shirt.

Michael laughed at the reference. "I like capes..." he walked behind Elliott and wrapped his arms around his waist, whispering softly in his ear "and this suits you" he cooed, trailing his hands down just a bit. "I wish we had more time..." he whispered softly

Elliott leaned back against him for a moment, sighing softly. "Me too," he whispered back, turning to kiss the blonde's cheek gently. He opened his mouth to speak again but was interrupted by a knock at the door. "We're going to be late!" the woman called.

Michael sighed softly and kissed Elliott gently, intertwining their fingers before he made his way out of the room. "Were ready, thank you." He followed the woman to the building where the black mass was held.

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