Chapter 9: Worlds Apart

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When he saw Miss Mead he knew instantly she was perfect. "Thank you both so much." He smiled at the two, he couldn't lie, he was rather impressed. With a wave of his hand, the three of them stood outside of the witches school. "Obviously that mantra is bullshit." He announced as he had walked in on them trying to protect themselves. He shattered their spell bowls, sending the glass flying into them before Miss Mead removed her arm to shoot the witches. He smiled as he watched them die one by one, completely unaware that Zoe had slunk away after the glass shards were embedded into her skin

Elliott stayed by Michael's side as much as he could during the fight, although he barely had to use his powers because the blonde was kicking ass with Miss Mead. He was content to stand back and watch, for the most part, making sure those who were killed really were dead. However, he turned just in time to see Zoe casting a spell towards Michael. "No-" he shouted quickly, moving to step in front of his lover and taking the full force of the spell. He hit the dusty ground, grimacing and trying to recover from the impact. The brunette sat up quickly, but when he opened his eyes, all he saw was the bright sun in the sky and nothing, absolutely nothing for miles. Nothing but dried up weeds and dusty ground. Where the fuck was he? A desert? He had no idea. And even worse, he couldn't feel Michael. He couldn't feel their bond.

Michael's eyes widened as he saw Elliott jump in front of him. "NO!!!" He screamed, snatching Zoe up with one fluid motion, his hand on her throat as he slammed her into the wall hard enough to crack it "WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU SEND HIM?!" he shouted, inches from her face, hot angry tears streaming down his cheeks. When she didn't answer he slammed her into the wall again "Tell me or I swear to everything in this universe I'll rip you the fuck apart!!" He snarled, digging her nails into her flesh so hard thick red blood trickled down her neck and over his hand.

The witch gasped for breath as the blonde slammed her against the wall. She could tell that Elliott meant something to him before, and now her suspicions were definitely confirmed. "I'm— I'm not going to tell you anything—" she coughed out, wincing as she saw black spots around the edge of her vision. "Go fuck yourself," she spat at him, just before she lost consciousness.

Michael slammed her into the wall again, shaking with rage. He waved his hand, sending her back to miss mead's home where she would be locked away in a spell locked room with no way out. He would deal with that later. He stormed up to the top floor. "Cordelia!!" His voice was filled with rage, shaking the very foundation of the school. He kicked the doors in, screaming when he saw the room empty. "I'll fucking find you...and when I do, you'll suffer." He growled lowly, kicking over the desk before he stormed out and made his way back to where Zoe was. He entered the room, instantly kicking the now conscious girl in the head. "Where the fuck is he?!" He snarled, enjoying seeing the blood spray out of her mouth

Zoe coughed, trying to keep her head covered with her hands. "You'll never fucking get it out of me—" she snapped at him, glaring up at him defiantly. Meanwhile, Elliott was practically panicking. The poor brunette had no fucking idea where he was or what had happening to him, and not being able to feel his bond with Michael only made it worse. He got up and began walking, hoping to god that he would find civilization soon.

"I fucking swear, you're the most insignificant little bitch I've ever met, and if you don't tell me where he is I'll kill everyone, and I mean every last fucking one you love." He snarled as he yanked her up by her hair. His true face flashed out for a moment, his eyes once ice blue, now completely black. He couldn't feel Elliott, and that horrified him.

Zoe's expression switched from defiant to complete fear, but only for a moment. The stupid witch merely glared at him once more. "Find him yourself-" she snarled. "You can try to kill me, you can try to kill us, I don't care!"

"I don't try, I do." He snarled, snapping her neck before he made his way back upstairs. After tireless convincing from Miss Mead and the Cooperation, Michael worked more on bringing about the apocalypse, hoping that his beloved would find him soon. Through meeting after meeting, all Michael could really think about was his beloved Elliott.

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