Chapter Two: Tainted

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 Over the next week or so, Micheal thought back to that day often, of course still helping Elliott from time to time. Though he had recently had a talk with the head warlocks after his level 1 test. Rather than simply excelling to level 2, he was actually expected to perform the seven wonders, a test that helped in the selection of the next supreme. If Micheal passed this, he would be the first male supreme, an alpha. Micheal was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door. "Come in" he called.

Elliott sheepishly opened the door and entered the room, textbook in hand. "Hey, um... I'm sorry for bugging you so late, but I have a test tomorrow on telekinesis, and I'm really scared I'm not gonna pass," he said softly, keeping his gaze on the floor and fidgeting with the book in his hands nervously. "Could you help me?"

 "oh of course." He smiled "sorry I'm kind of on edge, I have a test of my own coming up..." He stood. "Should we do it here? Or do you want to go somewhere else?" He inquired, stretching a bit as he forced himself to focus

Elliott tilted his head, noticing the blonde's different attitude. "We could do it here," he said quietly, setting his book down on the desk. "I thought you just took your level one test a couple days ago? What kind of test would you have coming up?" the brunette asked curiously.

"I did, but they didn't just pass me to level two. They want me to take another test." He paused, debating on whether or not he should tell Elliot everything "the test of seven wonders. They're bringing in the witch council to test me. " he said honestly, hoping the male would react differently than he expected. 

 Elliott's eyes widened immediately upon hearing the news. "What— how—" He shook his head quickly. The brunette knew exactly what that test was, and he knew that only a Supreme could succeed. A warlock had never done it before. "Michael, that's suicide, you can't," he protested, the poor boy already feeling tears welling up in his eyes. "Why would they want you to do that?"

"Hey " He sat on the bed and pulled Elliott down with him. "I'm going to be fine." He promised, placing a hand on Elliott's cheek. "They wouldn't risk it if they didn't think I could do it " he assured him, wiping his tears away with his thumb.

Elliott grasped his other hand quickly, holding it tightly. "Michael, no warlock has ever been able to do it before," he protested. "You've been here like a month, you're the only one I have, Michael, you can't die. Please..."

Micheal pulled him in for a hug. "Do you trust me?" He asked, pulling back so his ice blue eyes could look into Elliott's emerald ones. He kissed Elliott's forehead gently. "I know my limits, Elliott. I promise if I need to stop I will." He smiled warmly "besides, I haven't even gotten to kiss those amazing lips nearly enough times, how could I ever leave this world without doing that?" He smirked, leaning forward and slowly pressing his lips to Elliott's

 Elliott's cheeks turned bright red at the comment, and his green eyes widened again when Michael kissed him. He hadn't kissed him since that day in the music room and Elliott still hadn't been able to forget it, and now it was happening again. And suddenly, much of his worry was gone. Not all of it, but most of it. The brunette gently returned the kiss before pulling back, looking into Michael's eyes again. "Promise me you won't let yourself get hurt...?" he asked softly, his hand still clutching Michael's tightly.

"I promise." He smiled. "But you're gonna have to give me a little more motivation." He laughed a little and kissed him again. Every time he kissed Elliott he felt as if they were opposite ends of two magnets coming together like the perfect fit of two puzzle pieces. He wasn't sure how Elliott felt, but he did know that if Elliott didn't like it, he most certainly didn't let on

The warlock practically melted into Michael's kiss this time, unable to stop a soft hum from escaping his lips. For a moment, he was grateful that they were sitting on the bed because the blonde's eyes and his smirk made Elliott weak at the knees. He had no idea what all this meant, what he and Michael really WERE, but he did know that it felt perfect and he didn't want to stop.

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