Chapter 3: Who Are You?

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The next morning Michael woke rather early, frowning as he realized Elliott was no longer in his arms. Was the whole thing just a dream? Dammit not again. He sighed softly and sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes and ruffling his frazzled blonde curls. He turned his head to find Elliott hunched over the desk, reading something. "El...did you sleep?" He asked, voice rough with sleep as he furrowed his brows at the male.

 Elliott rubbed his eyes sleepily, turning around in the chair to look at Michael. His heart nearly stopped for a moment at how sweet and almost innocent the blonde looked with his hair all messy and a sleepy expression on his face. "Not really..." he said softly, sighing heavily and getting up from the desk to pace again. "I was too worried, a-and I saw these books, and I just... I started reading to try and understand and I'm even more confused now.." he rambled off, something that he did when he was sleep deprived.

Michael stood, walking over to Elliott "calm's okay..." He walked behind him and wrapped his arms around his shoulders "Elliott baby....come cuddle with me a while longer. You need to get a little rest ." He begged, urging the other to drop the topic and relax for a while before his test.

 "I can't, Michael," the brunette said softly, although he did relax a little bit against the boy's chest. "I'm scared, I don't want anything bad to happen to you, I just-" he sighed heavily once again. "I read about this legend, that one warlock who passes the test and becomes the supreme will become the Alpha, but that's— that's just a legend, Michael, how can you be so sure you'll be okay?" he asked tearfully.

 Michael kissed his cheek, sighing as he knew the boy wouldn't stop until he explained. "you're actually adorable what the fuck " he responded, kissing him again. "I'll explain, but you have to promise to calm down, okay?" He asked, moving the chair so he could kneel in front of Elliott and look into those gorgeous green eyes. "I'm the Antichrist." He admitted, holding his breath as he waited for Elliott's reaction. This moment, it was everything. He knew if Elliott rejected him he would break, somehow this boy had wiggled his way into Michael's heart and stolen his very being.

 Elliott looked at the boy kneeling in front of him, his emerald eyes widening in utter shock. His mouth hung open for a moment, unsure of how to respond. He didn't even know whether or not to believe him at first. "You're... the..." he stuttered out. Elliott knew exactly what the antichrist was, and he knew plenty of things about what the antichrist was "supposed to do." Bring the apocalypse, destroy the earth and recreate it. But he didn't think it would ever happen in his lifetime, not like this, not with Michael. "H-How do you know...? Why are you—are you gonna hurt me?" The question slipped out before he could stop it, and he immediately felt guilty for asking such a thing.

 Michael nodded, feeling his heartbreak at the question, he flinched and stood, turning around and looking down. "I...I understand if you don't want anything to do with me anymore..." Micheal's voice wavered a bit as he tried to hold back tears. Sometimes he hated what he was, hated how so many people seemed to not want him. He was reminded of his childhood days when his grandmother was appalled by him, his actions. When his 'father' called him a monster. He felt the hot tears streaming down his cheeks

Elliott was completely taken aback by the response. This was a side of Michael he'd never seen before. The boy always seemed so... off, so dark and mysterious, and now Elliott understood why. He was the fucking Antichrist. But he was still Michael, he still had feelings, he hadn't changed. "Michael, I—... I'm sorry, that was a dumb question, I just... this is a lot to take in," he said quietly, standing from the chair. He reached out for the boy but decided against touching him, not yet. "I-I just need to understand..."

Michael wiped his tears and turned around, biting his lower lip. "are you sure..? It's kinda...kinda a long story." He laughed softly, but not because anything was genuinely funny, more ironic. He sat down on the bed, fiddling with his thumbs. "The earliest memory I have is when I was eight or so...I kept killing rabbits and squirrels and such for my Grandma... I thought she would like them as presents...but she didn't. She tried so hard..." He choked up a bit "she tried so hard to show me what was right and wrong, but deep down I knew I couldn't ever learn her way." He admitted. "I was told I was born from a spirit, and a living person, but really the ghost, Tate..." His face scrunched at the name, as it brought back bad memories "..he was more of a kind of surrogate for my real Father, Satan." He ran a hand through his hair. Elliott deserved to know, but reliving all of this was difficult. "I eventually drove my Grandma to suicide with my tendancies, and when I found her the ghosts at the house I was born in made themselves I stayed there for a while until it was obvious no one wanted me. Everyone saw me as a monster, a killer. I didn't see the point in staying there anymore, especially when Miss Mead and the others came and explained to me who I was. I had finally found where I belonged...." tears flowed freely from his eyes as he put his head in his hands, sobbing quietly. All Michael ever wanted was a

Elliott's eyes were wide as he listened to the whole story from start to finish, his heart aching for the poor boy. "Michael... I'm so sorry.." he whispered, getting up to walk over to him and quickly pull the taller boy into a hug. It was a lot of information to take in, especially all at once, but Elliott could clearly see that Michael didn't deserve this. He didn't deserve all this pain, it wasn't his fault that he was who he was.

Michael hugged back instantly, crying softly into Elliott's chest and holding him close. "you don't don't hate me now?" He whispered, confused. There were very few people in his life who stayed there, knowing who-- knowing what he was. Was Elliott going to stay?

Elliott took a deep breath, holding onto Michael tightly. "No. I couldn't if I tried," he said honestly, running his fingers through the blonde's hair gently to try and calm him down. Michael was the boy he'd fallen in love with, antichrist or not. He hadn't changed. He'd just told Elliott the truth. The brunette knew he should run, he should be very afraid, that Michael wouldn't be so sweet and nice forever. Michael was dangerous. But deep down, something told him that Michael would never hurt him.

Michael felt joy and relief overwhelm him and he kissed Elliott lovingly, tears that were once filled with sorrow now running free with joy as he held him close. "I don't deserve you.." he whispered against the boy's lips. He wished to stay there forever, to not have to leave in a few minutes to go to their tests.

 Elliott kissed him back gently, before pulling back and wiping the boy's tears away. "Michael, don't say that," he said softly. "You're all I have, I know you wouldn't hurt me," he whispered, rubbing his back gently.

He nodded softly and pressed his face into Elliott's chest, taking in the male's scent. "We should get ready..." He said though he didn't want to. He wanted to lay in bed with Elliott all day, but he had to complete what he was, quite literally, born to do first. The world needed to be cleansed, and Michael was the only one for the task.

Elliott took a deep breath, slowly nodding. "I guess we should." He remembered his own test, for a fleeting moment, but the boy was far more worried about Michael than himself. "I'll come to see you as soon as my test is over, alright?" he said softly. Michael nodded and kissed him softly, sighing a bit as he forced himself to get motivated.

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