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    Sadie climbed into her window, putting her skate board down and plopped onto her bed smiling to herself about finding her long lost best friend. Were they still best friends? Maybe friends? Or maybe nothing...? Sadie sighed as she got a text from Lucas.

  Lucas🖤: How was today? I went to ur house when ur dad was asleep n u weren't there

  CrazySink🤪: sorry, my day was actually really good:))))

  Lucas🖤: wats the smile w quadruple chins for?

  CrazySink🤪: lmao I'll tell you tomorrow

  Lucas🖤: 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

You start school tmr lmaooooo

  CrazySink🤪: you do too fuck face

Lucas🖤: ................

CrazySink🤪: wat aren't you telling me m8?

Lucas🖤: me and Jaeden aren't going to school tmr......

CrazySink🤪: WHAT!?!?!?.!?!

Lucas🖤: we just got here today n were going to transfer in 2 days. IM SORRY LOVE UUUU💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗

CrazySink🤪: what the fuckkk yall were supposed to b there so I wouldnt b lonely

Lucas🖤: u were popular at our old school, you'll probably make 19000 friends on ur first day

CrazySink🤪: no I wont sksksksksk

Lucas🖤: whatever I'll see u after school tmr. Goodnight beautiful

CrazySink🤪: Gn Lucas❤

Sadie sighed as she sent her last text to lucas today. She got up and got into some pajamas and put her hair in a pony tail.

As she tucked her self in, she got a text from Finn

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As she tucked her self in, she got a text from Finn.

  Finn😍: Hey beau, what school u going 2??

(A/n: Beau is short for beautiful just in case ya didnt know)

Sadie😍❤: I have no idea. Why

Finn😍: if ur going to north side I'll give u a tour at break and u can hang w me.

Sadie😍❤: that's nice of u. Thanks. I'm still living in the southside but my house is 10 min away from the north side school so we'll see

Finn😍: ok well gn beau

  Sadie😍❤: gn handsome

Sadie blushed slightly every time he texted beau. She still didnt know what school she was going to. Her father didnt bother to mention it. She was praying she'd go to the north side even though rich and spoiled kids went there. She'd go for finn. She wondered how it be like. Were the spoils mean like in the shows and movies? There were spoils at her old school but they weren't bat shit crazy. They were mean but she was more popular than them, and every chance she got she would stop the mean popular kids from bullying smaller kids.

  You'd think that 99.99% of popular people are bat shit crazy and mean. But Sadie was that .01%. Her kind heart never faded when she left Derry , became popular, or when her mother died and her father started hitting her. She kept fighnting through every hit, physically and mentally.

  Sadies blue ocean eyes started to close wondering what her first day at her school would be like.

Happy Monday y'all. I'll probably upload again 2day! I'm on break so expect more updates. Make sure to vote and comment. Love yallllllll

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