The Robbery

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Finns POV:

We piled out of the car and Noah got the crank. I was all fidgety for some reason. I usually wasnt nervous when we were on a mission. I shrugged the weird feeling off.

Noah pried the door open and we went in one by one. Our hearts beating and our veins filled with adrenaline. Everything was pitch back except for the natural light from the moon peering into the window.

"Go to the safe I'll clear out anymore valuables with Caleb." Noah said entering the house. We all nodded and we seprated in teams. Me and Wyatt walked to the safe at the master bedroom. I glanced at the curly haired buy next to me and he gave me a reassuring nod. I nodded back and crept to the bed. It was neatly prepared and smelled like strawberries. Something that reminded me of her. The bed also looked as if no one had even ever slept in it. I took a quick breath as I knelt on my knees and flipped the sheet on the bed, making an entrance the go under the bed. I laid on my stomach crawling under the bed as Wyatt looked outside the window.

"I think someone is in a car....maybe a 6 houses away from us." He whispered.

"Shit!" I whispered yelled.

"Just get the money so we can get the hell out!" He whispered back. I rolled my eyes as I rolled on my back facing the safe. Sorta clever place to keep it I thought as I opened my phone to the text i got from Boss.
The code to crack the safe. I turned my phone off as my heart started pounding a lighter more. Letting my finger hit the numbers on the safe.

The sound startled me causing me to hit my head on the bed. "Ow! Shit" i whispered.
"You alright" Wyatt asked peering under the bed. I gave him a thumbs up and continued. I grabbed the handle and opened it. Money came out and onto my face. The smell of weed and alcohol mixed with the money. I pushed everything off me and threw them to Wyatt who put it into a bag.

"Hey shitheads! Hurry up! The alarm should go off in less than a minute and a half!" I heard Noah yell.
My eyes widened and I pushed myself out of the bed and heard a chuckle from Wyatt.
My eyes darted to him as he had a grin on his face.
"What shitface?" I asked annoyed. He shook his head and pointed to my forehead.
Well shit. It must be red or a bump.  I slapped his arm and stood up grabbing the money and jogging to the door.
"10 Seconds!" Noah yelled running to me. Caleb and Wyatt following. I opened the door for them as we piled out. Each of us had a bag of money or valuable.

I closed the door and darted towards the car.


(Sksksk it's a car horn...sry if its cringey)

My eyes widened as I looked around frantically. There was a black car that turned on it head lights. I couldnt see who was in the car. I looked over to Caleb as he looked like he seen a ghost.

"Who the hell is it!?" I whispered yelled to them as I heard the pearcing alarm go off.

Suddenly the car door flew open and I saw Noah turn red, Wyatt turned pale and Caleb looked shocked.
"Guys what the hell is going on!?" I yelled again. I started reaching for my gun till I heard a voice call out my name.


I looked up to see that what seemed like a girl stepped out of the car. The wind picked up, picking her hair up gently in the wind. She has red hair. Who the hell has- . I froze. It was her. The only fucking person with red hair. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

Sirens could be heard in the distance.  But in that moment I didnt care. I took my mask off as i felt tears starting to swell up. My heart was pounding and aching. I never wanted to drag her into this. And what will she think of me now? Us.

The sirens grew louder and Caleb pulled my to the car.
Noah ran to her and pulled her to her own car and got in.
"Guys go ahead! I'll be with her!" Noah yelled climbing in her car and speeding off.
My face stood motionless as caleb pushed me in the back seat as him and Wyatt sat in the front. The sirens got closer as Caleb sped off.

"What the hell was Sadie doing there!?" Caleb yelled.

This chapter was boring n crappy. I wish I was as talented at writing books as the rest of yall. But writing isnt my passion. I hope yall couldve some what enjoyed this chapter. I have no idea when ima end this book or when I'm gonna start the other one but I'll get there. I was wondering if someone would possibly like to make a book cover for my next book? Its gonna b called The Dangerous Game
Here's my idea of a cover. (I made it btw)

 (I made it btw)

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