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I paced around for a bit then looked up at brook.

"M-maybe he won't say anything.. why would he want to" I wondered

"Well hes still best friends with trish and he tells her everything and you know how trish is..."

I stood there for a second and thought

well I really didn't do anything.. it was just a quick blowjob, it didn't even last more the like 2 minutes

Unless he decided to exaggerate the whole thing

Errg I need to eat some food

With that last thought finished I just wanted to get to lunch and eat and forget that Jacobs big-mouthed-ass said anything.

"You know what brook, fix this please, I have to eat and I really don't know what to do" I paused for a moment "let's just see how all this plays out, maybe we don't even need to worry" I said trying to be optimistic

"Y-you're right, why would Jacob even mention you, I mean all you did was suck dick. No biggie" brook said in a still concerned tone

"Erreg Okay then, bye"


"Don't you dare tell anyone else or I'm gonna be really really mad" I said

And with that I ran off to the lunchroom


I waved to Albie hoping he would see me, he looked up to me and smiled and motioned for me to sit by him and I just slowly Trudged over to him and sat down"

"Hey albie" I said lowly

"Hey" he said plainly not even really looking at me

"Uhm... how was your classes" I mumbled

He just kind of looked at me "huh" he said "oh it was good" he said dismissing me and continuing to talk to his friends"

Wow I guess I expected too much

I looked at him and I was not impressed.

"Ok... I'm gonna go" I said sadly and just got up and grabbed my bag and left. It's not worth trying to get his attention right now. I don't have the energy

"What the heck was that about" I heard him asked confused as I walked away

I didn't really know where to sit so I was hoping to find Octavia or someone else I knew but then the new kid from my 3rd period and he was all by himself

I quickly sprinted over to his table and sat next to him.

"Hey, you're the kid from 3rd hour, right.. Tom was it? No it's uhm..." I paused for a second "I'm so sorry I'm spacing" I said with a smile. He looked up at me pretty confused

"Leo" he paused "Choi"

"Oh cool, hey Leo, Im Paris" I tried to sound upbeat "what's up?"

"Oh, nothing much, just eating I guess" he chucked "What's up with you?" He politely asked me

"Oh nothing I'm currently about ready to pop of half of my friends heads"

"Oh... sorry to hear that" he responded not knowing what to say.

There was an awkward silence for a moment until I decided to pipe up

"Hey sorry for just running up to you, I didn't know anyone else to sit with and I just wanted to get to know you more" I said and then Leo looked up

"Oh, thanks it was getting pretty lonely here anyways" he said and smiled. It's nice when he smiles, it really looks good on him 'cause he has a great set of teeth.

"I know we've only just met but do you wanna j just leave lunch, I'm super bored and I have to stop by my locker before class ends anyways" He asked me

"I mean I don't have anything else to do" i chuckled out with a snort

Okay that's kinda quirky

We both got up and grabbed our bags and on our way out of the lunch room I caught a glimpse of albie who didn't look all that impressed with me leaving with another guy.


Oi matey sorry for the wait (legit nobody cares lmao) but here we go. I know I told y'all tea for this one but The tea won't be spilt for another couple chapters sowz uwu I'm just kinda at a writers block rn cause I forgot what I even was writing about my b but soon children, soon.

Boyfriend (In the middle of editing)Where stories live. Discover now