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The day has finally ended and I went to go home but I remembered that me and Albie were riding home together.

I quickly walked to the school parking lot and saw albies smiling face, when he saw me he began opening his door to get in and I followed by getting into the passengers side of the car.

"Paris.... I wanna say, I'm sorry for whatever I did" Albie said looking up at me with puppy dog eyes

"Albie, you always do this" I said softly

"I just can't seem to-" I started but was cut off when Albie came in and kissed my lips.

"Let me make it up to you. Movies and food at my place" he smiled

I looked up and really smiled, "sure"


We made it to his house and started watching movies and by the time we were on our second movie it was already 7:46

"Albie" I said

Albie looked up with tired eyes "wha" he said with a sleepy voice

"I'm gonna head home but let's FaceTime. I wanna talk with you some more"

"Okay babe" he smiled and so did I

It's like I almost forgot about how he didn't say he loved me back



Right when I got home i opened up my phone and called albie

"Hey baby" I said smiling

"Hey" he said back "I already miss you, I'm glad you wanted to talk to me since we haven't talked since lunch"

Ugh, guess who's fault that is!

"Hah, don't remind me" I said with a small laugh "oh by the way I don't have first hour tomorrow so we can talk all night"

"That's nice. Anyways did you get your homework done?" He asked

We talked for hours and hours until it had been 2 in the morning. Eventually the phone call got silent and I assumed albie fell asleep

How cute

I hung up the phone and went to bed with a big smile on my face

School was pretty chill the past couple days. Me and Albie kept coming to school with dark circles from talking so long on the phone. Me and Leo worked a little on our project but we kind of just talked the whole time we had to work (which was not a lot of time because the teacher really liked to ramble about nothing for a long time) and now it was Friday which I was exited for since school has been so exhausting

The 2nd hour bell rang and me and Octavia sat next to each other. She seemed to look pretty sad so I decided to speak up

"Hey, Octavia you look down. What's wrong?" I questioned

She shot her head up and looked at me like she was surprised to see me. "Oh I just" her voice broke. "I don't know it's my parents. My step-dad keeps going crazy for no reason and they won't stop arguing over me and my curfew"

"Oh... I'm really sorry to hear that. if you want you can come to my house whenever, I don't mind comforting you when you need me" I said giving her a big hug and then the teacher walked into class. She began teaching us without even giving us a second to breathe. During her lesson I continued to whisper to Octavia about her life and tried to comfort her. I was really bad at it though.

By the end of class I had told her about me and Albie and she was happy that we were good now but she kept telling me he was no good anyways and I just pushed it off cause I kept hearing the same thing from her about him with no explanation

We walked out of class and I ran into Leo and since we had next class together we just walked to class and sat down together.

"Hey Paris I hate to do this but can we actually work on the project today after school. My family is going on a trip on Wednesday and we are gonna have to pack and get ready for it so I need the weekend" Leo piped up

"Do I have anything to do?" I thought out loud. I knew I didn't have anything to do but I still teased

"Just kidding I never have anything to do lol" I said "but are your parents gonna be home? My mom won't let me to peoples houses unless the have parents there"

"Yeah, My mom will be home while we work but my dad will be at work I think. We can work on the project in the living room" Leo said and just then I got a text. I opened my phone and it was from Albie

Albie: hey babe want to get some food after school. I have a coupon for chipotle xo

Me: oh I actually jut made plans to work on a project after school sowz 🥺


Albie: with who???

Me: Leo

remember the one I told you about?

In my 3rd and 6th hour

Albie: >:( I don't like you hanging out with different boys

Read at 12:35 am

The bell rung and I had to put my phone away so I left Albie on read. Plus I don't really have time to deal with him

"Paris" Leo whispered which slightly startled me

"Yeah" I replied in a whisper

"Remember, you have to buy me food after school today" Leo said licking his lips and the strangest feeling crept in the out of my stomach. I knew exactly what it was which made me blush

Did I just get turned on from Leo?

"Uh.. y-yeah" I sputtered out and just focuses on the board to distract myself

TEA SIS. Sorry about my shitty writing oopsie woopsie teehee. Also I have a clear plan on what I'm gonna be writing from now on cause I have it in a draft that I'm gonna upload once the book is done so you can be like "wow that happened" or "shid that never happened why you lie to me?"

Okerr see you in the next update 1 person who reads my book uwu

Boyfriend (In the middle of editing)Where stories live. Discover now