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"Hey wake up"

I mumbled and shifted in my seat

"Dude wake up if you wanna pee"

My eyes fluttered open to see that we were parked at a gas station. I looked around and sighed.

"Come on let's go inside" Leo said again and got out of the car and started to walk towards the gas station. I got up and groggily chased up after him. I made sure to shut the door behind me after I left the car.

"Hey wait up" I called as he was about to enter the gas station. He stopped and waited and we walked in together. We both walked to the bathroom and split to go into the respective Gender restroom.

I did my business and as I washed my hands I looked in the mirror and saw how I looked. So tired and unhealthy. I wish I didn't stay up

Then I remembered last night. I felt so sick. I can't believe I caved in and then still called him the next morning. I wish I said no and went to bed.

I gagged but finished drying my hands and met Leo by the candy section. His parents were filling up the gas so I took this time to talk about stuff I couldn't say in front of his parents.

"Hey Leo I need your opinion"

"Sure what's up" he said moving to a new section and I followed

"Okay so what would you do if someone asked you to do something and you said no at first but then said yes. Nothing like rape or whatever but yeah you know what I mean"

"Why do you ask??" He said and looked at me with a concerned face

"I don't know. my friend told me a story and I need your opinion on it"

He paused and thought for a moment

"I need more context, was it sexual? Like what was it?"

"I mean it wasn't in person but yeah" I mumbled

"Definitely not okay. Period. Tell your friend that the person who did that needs to be cut from her life. It's gross" he said and scrunched is nose and shook his head

I just stood quiet for a moment and then said "oh" he then picked out what he wanted and payed for it, we then walked out back to the car and got settled again.

"So what did you kids get?" Leo's mom asked

"I got some chips to share with Paris" Leo said and opened the bag of loaded spud potato chips and I started to drool.

"Alright off we go again, we are about 4 hours away or so"

Me and Leo nodded and I pulled out my phone to text my parents but saw a couple of texts from Albie. I shifted in my seat so that Leo couldn't see my phone screen to see my texts

Albie: I miss you and I wish you were here to cuddle

Albie: so what are you doing

Albie; you at the place yet?

Albie: stop ignoring my texts! I bet you're ignoring me because that fucking kid told you to ignore me

Or you're probably fucking him

I swear to god Paris

Answer me

Oh my god! Albie has never said there things before. I was frowning and Leo looked over to me and tapped my shoulder snapping my head up to him

"What's up? You look really upset" Leo asked me

"Nothing Albie is just being crazy. I'm fine though"

Little did he know I wasn't fine at all. I can't believe he would think I'd betray him like that. Especially after what I did for him last night

Paris: Albie why do you think I'd do that?? I was taking a nap!!

I shut off my phone and then tried to sleep again. I didn't wanna think about anything anymore. I put my head on my lap and felt wetness corner up in my eyes

Stay quiet. Stay silent. Don't make noise

I drifted off into sleep letting silent tear drops fall down my face. How could the person I live treat me like this.



Leo's POV

Paris fell asleep again and now I have to sit here in silence with my parents. I got bored and decided to lay down but then paris' phone started to blow up.

I tried to ignore it at first but then it just kept going.

Call 1

Call 2

Call 3

I picked up her phone to shut it off but the texts and calls were from Albie. I scrolled down and could see the texts he send displayed on her lock screen

Albie: yeah sure.

I bet you've cheated on me plenty of times


All were went 10 minutes ago. I scrolled up to the most recent texts he sent which were from just now

Albie: I take everything back Paris I'm sorry

I don't know what came over me

I love you it's just that guy worry's me. You're always with him

Call me baby I need to hear your voice


Oh shit I should not be reading this. I put her phone back beside her and pretended like nothing happened

"You shouldn't be looking through your friends phone. That's an invasion of privacy" my dad said from the passenger seat and I nearly shit my pants from the silence being broken

"dad you scared me" I said holding my chest and breathing in heavy

"Leo. You heard what I said" my dad said looking at me from the rear view mirror

"I know I'm sorry dad. I didn't even read anything I was just looking for the mute button" I lied

My dad breathed in heavily "okay son. Okay" he knew

He knew I was lying but I guess he didn't have the energy to explain why what I did was wrong. He didn't have to though because now I know something I wasn't supposed to know. I felt horrible.

This chapter was like really bad so that's awesome 😎 anyways I'm kinda just tryna finish this book soon so yee yee

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