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Paris' POV

The car parked and we were finally at the beach house.

I woke after another 2 hour nap and read a bunch of terrible texts from Albie. I told him I'd call him when I got to the location.

"Wow" I said in awe as I looked at the huge modern mansion beach house in front of my eyes

"Wow" I said in awe as I looked at the huge modern mansion beach house in front of my eyes

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(Lmao this is the house)

I grabbed my bags from the back and helped Leo's mom and dad with some of their bags

"My grandma and grandpa were very successful in the business industry and are pretty much set for the rest of their lives because of their retirement funds" Leo explained as we walked into the large estate

I smiled and nodded not know how to respond and I set my tiny bag plus a suitcase down

Just then Leo's grandfather came and smiled widely

"Hello my love! I'm so exited to see you" Leo's grandpa gushed and have Leo's mom which I'm assuming is his daughter, a big hug. "Who's this" he smiled and turned to me

"Hello my name is Paris, nice to meet you sir" I said giving a polite hug.

"Nice to meet you. My name is Bart but you can just call me grandpa. Are you Leo's girlfriend?" I blushed heavily

"No she's not, she already has a boyfriend" Leo intervened quickly

"Hmm I see" grandpa said. He greeted everyone and hugs were thrown around. I felt kinda awkward because I wasn't really apart of Leo's family and the we're having such a loving moment.

I just decided to step aside and wait for everyone to finish up their Reunion. Leo must have taken notice to my awkwardness so he stepped by me

"Sorry that all my family assumes your my girlfriend, I just have never had any girl-friends you know what I mean?"

"Oh it's fine" I laughed "I get it"

Leo's grandma came in soon after and I greeted her and everyone said hi again. Everyone was talking and laughing and through the large windows I could see that the sun was setting already

"Alright kids you should start setting up rooms, I'll bring you to your room" grandpa said and we walked upstairs and set up our things for the nights we would be staying here

I tossed myself on my bed when I was done and just took a deep breath. I thought about everything. Albie, Leo, my friends

I feel so lost right now and don't know what to do. I don't even wanna call Albie. He makes me so mad and sad. But I also love him and want to forgive him

But at the same time I couldn't get what Leo said off my mind. What if it's true? What if I need to cut him off? I couldn't think of my life without Albie.

God what has my life become these past couple weeks.

A tear slipped down my face. Then another, then another and another and I was full blown balling my eyes out

I curled up into the fetus position and tried to sooth my crying.

"Hey Paris we are living a bonfire wanna- hey wait are you crying" Leo asked stepping into my room and sat on my bed

"No" I sniffed out

"That's a lie. What's wrong? Why didn't you tell me you were upset? I could have talked to you"

I got up and looked at him with my snot and tear covered face, my keens still close to my chest

I wiped my eyes and face and collected myself

"I- I've just been-" I tried to spit out but then just started crying again. Leo pulled me into a big hug and I just started to cry more

"Shh it's okay you don't have to say anything right now. Just calm down it's okay" Leo soothes and brushed my hair

For the first time in a long time I felt so safe. I felt like someone really loved me for me and not because they had to.


I finally calmed down and me and Leo were just sitting in silence. I cried for a good 5 minutes straight

"You ready to talk" Leo asked

"Y-yeah" I stuttered out. Leo shifted and patiently waited for me to start speaking

"I don't know how to start so I guess I'll just go to last Sunday" I started to explain my situation to leo. I felt uncomfortable talking about I sent nudes and stuff but Leo was basically my best friend and I really trusted him

"And I don't know what to do. I love Albie but kind of don't want anything to do with him right now" I finished. Leo sat silent a took everything in.

"Paris, what you're telling me sounds a whole lot like an abusive relationship"

"Yeah but he's never hit me before" I said

"He doesn't have to" Leo started firmly. I didn't know what to say. Albie isn't an abuser I just can't believe it.

"The way he manipulates you, the way he talks to you, the way he forced you to do things you don't wanna do. It's wrong"

"But I know he loves me"

"Paris, you need to talk to him. Tell him what you're feeling" Leo said looking directly at me

"I- I will. I'll tell him to not do it anymore" I stammered out.

"Hey kids what's taking so long in here, the bonfire is already going and so it the hot tub" Leo's mom said coming into the room

"Sorry mom we were just talking, we'll be ready soon" Leo's mom nodded and walked out of the room

I got up to get into my bathing suit and so did Leo.

Leo was about to walk out of the door when he paused for a couple seconds

"Paris I know you think Albie loves you but... it sounds like he doesn't because I love you so I don't treat you like that. So does your mom, so does your dad. They all love you and that's why they don't treat you like Albie does" with that Leo left the room and left me thinking.

Does Albie really love me?

Back to long chapters. The real tea is about to spill all over the Gucci linen. Also double uploads? Yes ma'am

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