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"Wow first day of school begins like a hell"!!T . T
" That boy how dare he to push me!!
Is this way to treat new students in their first day. What's his name? Tartar??Taetae?? T.. Taehyung!!
"Bloody hell. - Yerin thought.

"You're the nice one than him, at least you help me to find my class "- Yerin said to Baekhyun

" Thank you"

Baekhyun just share at her pretty face.

" If I don't have Taeyeon as a girlfriend definitely I'm going to propose Yerin to be my girlfriend " -Baekhyun thought

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" If I don't have Taeyeon as a girlfriend definitely I'm going to propose Yerin to be my girlfriend " -Baekhyun thought

He mentally slapped himself. And came back to the reality

"What I'm thinking, I have a girlfriend and I love her , she loves me too , did she??. This nerd girl changing the real me, this never gonna happen otherwise Taehyung will be no longer my friend"- Baekhyun thought

"No welcome and be shut up . I have just helped you so don't think that I am going to be friend with you" , Just go to your class you stupid, as Taehyung say we will make sure your life is going to hell" , how dare you to bump with us , don't you have eyes. Aiish!!
"Why I am wasting my time with you!!
I should be with my gf "-Baekhyun said and leave in the middle of corridor.

Yerin eyes filled with tears again she hurt.  But she holds her tears.
"How rude these boys are, I bet they bully other weak people too" Now I have to find my class with my own" . Let's go to principal's office . I hope he/She is going  to help me"- Yerin said to herself.

When Baekhyun is making his way to Taeyeon he felt his heat pricking with thousands of needles. He felt very sad and hurt after saying those harsh word to Yerin. He put his hand in his chest and soothing the pain. He never  felt through this pain .

After 2 minutes

When he arrived to the school garden he and Taeyeon used to meet. He saw that Taeyeon was hugging a other boy and she kissed and confess him. That boy is GD. His heart broken  into millions of pieces.  He was so so angry and he confront them. He throw a huge punch on GD and beat him . Taeyeon was shocked and protect GD from him. After seeing this he cried.

" Wae Taeyeon ah!! , Why did you cheat, Am I not enough for you,  Why why?? " -Baekhyun sobbed

" Wae Taeyeon ah!! , Why did you cheat, Am I not enough for you,  Why why?? " -Baekhyun sobbed

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" Andawe oppa, I don't love you,  I think we are just friends with benefits. My true love is GD. I love him by my whole heart.  He also love me. I don't think that I am your soul mate. You should find your true love. Again so sorry"- Taeyeon said while feeling guilty.

" I hope you will be with me always.  I dreamt to have my own family with you.  But is all fake love,  and waste of time " - Baekhyun left her while crying silently.

"Oppa !!!!!!" - Taeyeon

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