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When Baekhyun reached his home to see his parents after long period of time.  He misses them so much, he want to tell them about Yerin,  so that they could help Yerin. He immediately ran out of his car to hug them, and shower them with all the love . But his wish ended up in tears again.  He saw Taehyung in his mother's lap while his mom caressing his hair and his dad making them laugh. They didn't notice him. He can't  see them together,  he think that they forgot about him, they don't know they have a another son who is waiting for them.  So he just ran from that scene to his room without their knowledge and popped in his bed and burried his face in the pillow while crying.

"Is Baekhyun already fast asleep?"- Mr. Byun
"I think so".- Th
"Ok, guys it's already late, go to sleep now "- Mrs. Byun
"Yeah, I am already sleepy because you caressed my hair so gently mom"- Th
"Okay , my lovely son, go to sleep now,  I don't want to see those dark circles under your beautiful eyes"- Mrs. Byun.
" Oh!, tae don't go to school tomorrow!"- Mr.Byun
"Why dad?"- Th
" We have to introduce you to someone "- Mrs Byun
"Please support our decision,  please?- Mr. Byun
"Okay !, but why?- Th
" You will get to know tomorrow,  please wear something formal "- Mrs. Byun
" Good night and Saranghae Eomma and Appa- Th
" Nado,  Saranghae- Mr and Mrs Byun

They all went to their room. Baekhyun was listening their conversation, tired of crying he  fast asleep. Mrs.  Byun woke up because she was feeling thirsty.  She went to kitchen to quench her thirst.  Then she went to Baekhyun's room to check him. She sat on the edge of the bed.
"I'm sorry!, Please remember that I always love you more than anything else, Saranghae!!- Mrs Byun
She pecked his forehead and leave his room.

Jung's residence

Yerin's body was completely sore, she was crying a lot.  She get hard punishment for lil mistake. She was feeling completely tired, she took her warm bath and dried her uniform. She saw her lip and hand were still bleeding.  She took first aid from the drawer and started to cure it. Then her father came to her room with a dress in his hand. Yerin notices her father first come to her room, she was shocked also.

" Tomorrow you don't need to go school "- Hi hun
" Why?"- Yerin
" We want somebody to meet you "-  Hi hun
" Okay"- Yerin
He left her room. He saw her bruises,  he was internally crying but outside acting cold towards her.  Yerin dressed her wounds and trying to sleep.  Her room's door creaked open revealing her dad with concerned eyes.  He took seat on the stool near her bed. He held her hand and notice so many bruises. After seeing that he let his all tears drop. And kissed her arms
" I am sorry "- Hi hun
He didn'tknow that Yerin wasn't sleeping at all. She was listening his words. She was waiting for this moment.  But didn't open her eyes, she lose in fight with her tears. Her tears rolled from her cheeks while sleeping.  Hi hun thought she was having a night mare. He wiped her tears away. He pecked her chubby cheeks,  it produces a smooch sound cause him to smile. Yerin was so happy at that moment.
Next Day
At 12: 00 noon
" Taehyung??!!, Ireona!!!, it 12 noon how much you sleep??- Mrs. Byun
"Eomma,  I am awake!!!!- Th
" Please get ready we have to go!-"
" Arraso "- Th 
Taehyung lazily wake from his bed and freshen up and changed into this and ran to downstairs

Byun" Arraso "- Th  Taehyung lazily wake from his bed and freshen up and changed into this and ran to downstairs

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" Wow my son looking so handsome "- Mrs Byun
" Just like me!!- Mr. Byun
" Shut up,  you are not more handsome than my son "- Mrs. Byun
" Where are you all going ?"- BH
" To meet our business partner- Mr. Byun
" Can I come??"- Baekhyun
" Okay,  you can come"- Mrs.Byun
" Please wear something formal "- Mr. Byun

Baekhyun nodded went to his room . Changed into this.

" How am I  looking "- Baekhyun " Fine"- Mr

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" How am I  looking "- Baekhyun
" Fine"- Mr. Byun
He hurt at that moment.  For moment before they were praising Taehyung now they say he is looking fine and nothing so one. He looked at Taehyung and his mom who is fixing his bow made him jealous.
" Okay, let's go"- Mr. Byun
They get inside their car and arrived to their destination.

Jung residence
" Hey you bitch!!! Get up - Yeonjae says while splashing cold water on her face

Yerin suddenly wake up from her sleep and try to figure out what's happening.

" If you don't want your morning punishment then get up, be ready and hide all bruises"- Yeonjae

Yerin nodded went to the bathroom changed into this

( ignore the mic, mic drop!!!)She went to living room and saw her family already ready to go

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( ignore the mic, mic drop!!!)
She went to living room and saw her family already ready to go.
" let's go, they will be waiting for us"- Hi hun

Both the families went to the same destination.  Byun family was already arrived their waiting for Jung family

To be continue!!😚

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