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Yerin's POV
When Yerin reached her home.
" What a tiring day, but hopefully it went good at all" .

" Ajumma why are you here again"?
" Yerin- ah, I forgot to do important work of Mrs. Jung, so I came back to complete that so I can't fire from my job, you know this is the only money maker job in my house- Maid.
" Arraso, have you completed"?- Yerin
" Yes, yes I am going, Please eat the food which I already made it for you . It's in the fridge, Please put in the microwave, when you eat- Maid said like she is the mother of her.
" Yes, my favourite ajumma, - Yerin "
" Yerin, can I take a leave for 4 weeks because of some urgent work in my hometown, will you able to do all work alone? - Maid
" Yes , you can family is more important- Yerin
" I think I should go my son is waiting for me"- Maid
" Yes, you can go now, - Yerin said
They bid goodbye to each other. Then Yerin went straight to her room for change.

Baekhyun 's POV
"I was relieved now that Yerin reached her home safely, I saw a woman coming out of her house. She seems to be maid , yess, I could ask more about Yerin, why she was having bruises,?? why she comparing herself with those unlovable poor kids? Why she works in a cafe after having such a nice house??, what happened to her mom, why she is always sad ??. Then I got out of my car.

" Umm excuse me, Ajumma?- BH
"Yes , son? - MD
" Do you know Yerin, do you work here?
" Yes , I know Yerin since she was 5, I work as a maid here.
" Do you know what happened to Yerin, why she is always sad and having those bruises"
"Are you friend of her "
"Ye... yes, Please answer my question so that I could help her"
"There is a long story son"
"What do you mean"??
" Listen my son"
I' m telling her past only to you don't tell anybody because she didn't want anybody to interfere in her life.arraso?

"Yes' I promise I will not tell anybody about her, "

Mr. Hi hun Jung who works for a Choi Enterprise married to the CEO's daughter Shinae Choi who is currently so called Mrs. Jung . When he married to her he was already having his wife and two children one boy who is older one and a daughter the younger one that is Yerin. Shinae was divorced and she was already having a son Yeonjae. She saw Hi hun in her dad's company, she was obsessed for him, she wants to marry him . She also threaten Mr.Jung to kill his family . But in pressure he had an affair with her. When Yerin's blood mother came in knowledge to this she was completely broken, she left her house because she didn't believe the fact that her husband whom she loved with her whole heart cheated on her. That day when Yerin's mom left was raining heavily, she was roaming on the roads with teary eyes and in drunken state. Suddenly she was hit by a heavy loaded metal truck. She was badly injured ,She was taken to hospital but she died during operation. At that time Yerin was only 5 and Hoseok who was her older brother was 16. He old enough to understand the fact that his father cheat her mom . He was in anger state. He had an huge argument with his dad on that day. Hi hun announced his second marriage after the death of his first wife in two days. Shinae's dad named his company in the name of his son in law. Hoseok couldn't bear this fact and left the house . God knows where he went and is he fine . Gradually Yerin grow she get to know this fact how her happy family ruined. Despite of getting love from her family she was getting beatings from her step-mom Shinae for small things. She also said that she should die with her mom. Yerin is living a hard life. She trying to find her brother from past 3 years but failing. She is currently living her own . She works in cafe to earn some money for her needs like foods, clothes, etc. She wants to become a doctor to save the life of people. Because she didn't want anybody to die in front her eyes like her mom did. Her dad don't show his love to her. He is surrounded by Shinae's trap. He let her to beat his own daughter. He became heartless after second marriage. They make Yerin to study because she is intelligent, she is going to make them huge amount of money. They beat hear hell out if she get one marks less. In her older school in a test she get 98 out 0f 100 because the test was so difficult . She couldn't achieve full marks, then her parents beat her till she passed out. I was witness of it. I tried to inform police about her harassment but they killed my husband, the threat my if I try again. They will kill my son. They also don't let any boy to get near of her , if so they will kill her. Currently she is living in a store room because nobody loves her in her family. She need someone who loves her by his whole heart and remain always by her side. That's her story.

After listening the history of her. Baekhyun let his tear drop from his eye same as the maid.
" I hope you will help her" - Maid said while patting his shoulder and then left.
Baekhyun ' POV.

"I don't know what to say, I just want to hug Yerin and cry with her. I can't imagine how come she had to face e this kind of harassment from her family. She is a human also, she has right to live, but how can I help her, she is completely broken from inside, she lost her mom, her brother, her whole life. Ugggh!!!! why God always let innocent people to suffer a lot ." I need to go home and try find ways to help her, ". I love you Yerin, I will always by your sided, I won't let anyone to steal you away from me. I will kill that person even it's your family member tried to do so."

Baekhyun wipe his tears away, get into his car and drove back to his home.
In America

Mr. Byun POV
"Annyeonghaseo, Mr. Jung.!! Shall we start our meeting."
"Neh, we can Mr. Byun- Hi hun
"So to make our company a huge profit in Seoul market, we have to merge with each other "- Hi hun
"But how" ?- Mr. Byun
"We can let our children to marry with each other"- Mr. Jung
" My daughter Jung Yerin with your adopted son Kim Taehyung after all he is going to be the next heir of your company and Yerin is smart enough to handle both the companies." - Hi hun
" You are right and they are old enough to marry with each other, to be great business couple "- Mr. Byun.
" We let them meet each other after our business trip and announce their marriage in news after they engaged." - Hi hun

Yerin's and Taehyung ' POV
Why my heart beat is so fast ?? . They said in unison.
Baekhyun ' s POV
Why my heart is in pain like something going to be very bad.

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