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Next Day.......

Yerin's pov

I was feeling very nervous.  I walked into the building.  I looked around and noticed the receponist. I walked towards her.

" Where is Jung Hoseok?"- i asked her but she me with wide eyes like sge saw a ghost.

" He..is i.n his..cabin..on the third floor righ...t infront....of the lift Yerin ma'am "- she said while shuttering.

There are many employees who were talking about me.

" Thank you"- i walked to the lift. One sentence caught my attention.

" Is she is the one with Taehyung sir in the photo"

" What?"- i thought

I didn't mind them walked to the lift. Then straight to the Oppa's cabin . I knocked the door before I opened I saw him sitting on the chair working on his laptop.

" You are here. Have you bring the important documents "- he asked I nodded to him.

" Prepared for interview you having your interview right now?"- he asked.

" Yes, where do I have to give ?"- i asked

" Taehyung is taking your interview and he is waiting for you now"- he said.

" I am here for job , not to meet him"- i said crossing my arms.

" Do you want job or not ?"- oppa raised his voice.

Afterall he convince me to get this job. I
needed this job now.

" Yes"- i said and went out of his cabin and make my way to his cabin.


Biting my lips , i hesitated to knock the door but thinking about the need of job , i gathered my courage to knock the door.

" Come in"- he said and i went inside. He was playing with his phone.

" You took long enough to knock "- he said and shoved the phone inside the pocket. He offered me seat and I nervously sat down.

" I heard you broke up with your boyfriend "- he said making me pissed.

" I have told that you will not ask any personal questions "- i  said in straight face.

" You look good "- he said making me angry

" Get to the point now" - i said in angry tone.

" I was just saying that you will get more busy due more patients like me and you will not having spare time to spend with him. It will affect your relation now"- he said mocking my breakup with him. How did he know,  i think oppa told him. I think there is someone who gonna die from my hands. Eunbi unnie save him from me when I get home.

" You need the job as doctor in my hospital right?"- he asked and licked his lip intentionally.

" Yes"- i said and rolled my eyes.

" Why do you need job?why this hospital?"- he asked while playing with his pen.

" Well I need to save people's live as you know this is the job of a doctor.  I studied hard to be a doctor.  I used to live in USA with my bf. Now , I am back . To live with myself not to be a burden on my brother so I  want this job . About your hospital . I never wanted to work here. But I don't get any job anywhere else. - I said in one breath.

The silence filled around the room. I looked at every corner and noticed a picture of us  on the shelf.  It was us when we were celebrating my birthday.
I feltvery weird feeling inside me.

" You remember that day you so happy to cel

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" You remember that day you so happy to cel..."- he said with faint voice.

" I don't remember "- i said and got up from my seat and reached to the doorbut stopped by his words.

" You are hired as  head doctor in my hospital,  you work in this hospital building where the office is not in other building "- he said making his way to me.

" Why not in other building?"- i asked because he will show his face to me everytime.

" We don't have any empty post in that building "- he said .

" You will be working under Hoseok hyung "- he said making me relieved.

" Okay"- i said.

" You will be coming from tomorrow "- he said and i nodded.

He move his hand for a shake. I hesitantly shook it . I was pulling out from his grip. But he was not letting it go. I stomped his feet irritation abd rushed out of his cabin.

Taehyung's POV

" Aiish this girl. She will not change "- i said and held my feet.

" Welcome Kim Yerin to the Kim Medical Institution".

I love you .

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