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When Yerin went to washroom to freshen up. There were already group of girls who fixing their makeup , gossiping and fangirling over actors and models. She didn't mind them and just ignore them. After her business she was washing her hand . Suddenly a girl approach her . The name of that girl is Jennie Kim a.k.a Taehyung 's gf and queenka of the school. She was feeling jealous because Yerin is not wearing any make up and she was looking damn gorgeous .

Jennie's POV
"Girls, look whose here a new nerd". Haha
"Hey , girls look whose here!
"A new toy to play. Look how pathetic she is . No any make up, chubby fat cheeks, ohh!! Some bruises too . How sad. You have one by your side. Then we can do anything with you poor girl. "
"So long  hair , Its smooth and smells nice too" but not suits you. Umm What should we  do with it ?? Uhh Yerin ? Jennie looks at her name tag.

"Lisa? Can I have scissors please!?
"Of course"
"Here you go, Jennie

"So let's do you new hairstyle,  Yerin.


Jennie starts cutting her hair . Yerin was crying.  She can't do anything. She knows that she is going to bully because she is nerd. No one can help her even parents.  With the pain her heart she face them while crying.  This incident was already happened in her home because his step- brother  once cut her hair until it get bob. After girls gang almost bullied her they left her in the washroom in poor condition.  Yerin was freezed on the floor. She hugged her knees and silently cried.  After 5 minutes. She get up and wash her face. Then she went to class as there are only few minutes to start first period .

Baekhyun 's POV
" It's already 15 minutes . Yerin hasn't came back. Where is she??"
"Is she fine ?? , anything bad happens to her .  My heart beat is out of control.
" I hope she is fine ".

Teacher's POV

"Good morning class!! We are having new a student. Please take care of her.
" Now you can come"

Yerin' POV

I'm so nervous,  I'm looking so ugly, Its because of those girls., how am I  going to  face class. Now teachers calls me, 


I entered into class and my heartbeat was pounding, all eyes on me.
Then I found the boy whom I bump in this morning Taehyung was glaring at me like he is going to eat me alive and Baekhyun who was smiling at me. Ugghhh No. Why these two boys are in my class.

"Annyeong haseo! My name is Jung Yerin. I'm 17 , I am  new here, Please take care of me. Thank you." - Yerin said

"Ok Yerin you can sit between Kim  Taehyung and Byun Baekhyun" . - Teacher said

"Wait, what, Why???? I'm screaming  internally,  Why bad things always happens to me - Yerin said

"Okay boys raise your hand"- Teacher

One boy is glaring at me and one is smiling at me,  what is happening in the world.  Please God save me.

To be continue

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