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Yerin's POV

After 2 years . I am going back to Korea. I really missed my homecountry but there some person whom I really don't want to see. Especially one person.

I hope I never meet him .

" Yerin! Faster we will be late!- Daniel shouted.

" Daniel come here help me in this !"- i said whike struggling in zipping the suitcase.

"You are struggling with this?"- he dais while pointing at the zip.

" Its not working!"- i said with the pout.

" Aah its so easy! Are you on diet that's why you  have became weak?"- he said while pulling the zip but it didn't move.

" I guess you are weaker than me"- i said with laugh.

" Don't laugh, lets do it together "- he said with pout .

" Okay "- i said pinching its cheek. We both struggled to zip but with our almighty force we pulled it.

" We did it "- he said while relaxing.

He hugged me , putting his weight on me and give me a quick peck. I was surprised it was the first kiss he give to me. His cheeks were flushed red.

" Cute "- i mumbled

" Did you call me cute?"- he asked looking at me.

" No,  i called you ugly"- i said with laugh.

" Lets go"- he said and drag the suitcase in the taxi.

At airport .......

" I am so excited "- he said with squeezing my hand.

" Don't get overexcited! What if something goes wrong?" I said to him
but he frowns.

" Don't worry I am here with you"- he said reassuring to me.


" Ladies and gentlemen please wear your seatbeat , pilot has been arrived. We are soon arriving to Korea from USA." We did everything what flight  attendant instruct.

" I can't wait to introduce you to my family "- he said while putting his head on my shoulder and interwine our finger.

I leaned near to him and admiring his eyes,  nose and lips. He has such a angelic face. He is perfect to fit in anybody's ideal type.

" Why I am red?, am I falling for him"- i said and closed my eyes and leaned back to my seat.

Taehyung 's POV

" Taehyung?, you have to pick Mr. Lee from the airport tomorrow "- Hoseok hyung said .

" Ok"- i said looking at my phone.

" Don't bring him here , you have to send him hotel first"- Hoseok hyung said and leave my room.

I wear my coat and went to my house. I don't why my heart is saying to me Yerin is back.

At Korea airport

Yerin's pov

We picked our luggage and head to the arrival.

" Will anybody pick us?"- i asked.

" No , but there is a surprise planned for us in my home,  so we have yo take taxi"- he said.

" Didn't you tell them about me?"- i asked , he shook his head cutely.

My smile disappeared whem I remembered the time I left my country.


Dragging his suitcase Jun was ahead of me, I looked back for the last time.

" Hope you will have a better life with her " - a  tear rolled in my eyes and my heart ached thinking about him.

" Goodbye Taehyung "- I said in whisper.

" Yerin , let's go"- he said and waved at me. I dragged my suitcase with me
And walked towards him.

Flashback end.......

"Lets'go to my house first , then we will meet your pa....."- i stopped my words

when I saw a familiar person sitting on the bench not so far inches way from me.

I squeezed Daniel's hand tightly when that person looked up and our eyes met
as his eyes went wide.

"It was him"....

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