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No one's POV
When they were back to their camp, students were already wake up and preparing breakfast. They called them for breakfast. 

" Thank you Yerin "- Bh
" For what ?" - Yr
" To make me happy "- Bh
" That's fine, after all we are friends"- Y
"More than that Yennie!!- Bh thought
" Let's go I am hungry "- Yr
" Yeah, me too "- Bh

They went to have lunch,  Yerin saw Taehyung with sad eyes, who didn't touch his food. Internally her heart ached to see him like that. Soon Taehyung's gaze shift to Yerin,  he was happy to see her but he saw her hand intertwine with Baekhyun's his heart crushed like it was an empty can. Yerin notice him and quickly removed her hand from Baekhyun's. She doesn't want to show her tears to him.  Taehyung know that she loves her but unable to express as he breaks her heart so many times. They ate their breakfast and get ready for hiking on mountain.

" Okay students! Be ready"- guide
" Please remain with your partner and meet here at the specific time given to you all, don't go anywhere in the forest
Am I correct " - Teacher
" Neh "!!!!- Students

" Let go "- Guide

All of them separated from the group and start to explore the forest and nature's beauty.

Back to camp

" Yerin, you know your' re so naive, to fall in somebody's trap- BH

" Yeah! Why so suddenly you are asking this question "- Yerin

" Nothing,  I can tell by your appearance and behaviour "- Bh

They were walking in the forest making their way to camp. Yerin saw two familiar figure in the forest.  She could heard moans from their side. She went towards them to check if they were in trouble.  Then she saw Taehyung and his partner Jiwoo who was her bully apart from Jennie were kissing.  Yerin's heart broken into millions of pieces as a tear drop from her eyes.  They came in to the position where Taehyung's back facing to her and Jiwoo looking to her and smirk. 

Yerin couldn't take it anymore and ran away from him.

" Maybe I was right he was playboy,  finally  he show his true colours,  he hate me for not being his type, uuggghh I hate myself for loving him"- Yerin

Yerin ran away from that place, god knows where she was running to, she only need a peace place where she could cry with her all heart. Then Baekhyun reached to her and hugged her. She hugged him back because she need someone by her side. Then Yerin fainted in his arm. Baekhyun took her to the camp, ask teacher to let her go home first because she is not in that condition for adventure.  He took her to her apartment and laid her on her bed.
He prepares her soup .

" Yerin wake up, please eat this"- BH

" Where am I?"- Yerin

" Your apartment "- Bh

" What I am doing here?"- Yerin

" You faint , so teacher told me to get you back home as you are so weak"- BH

Yerin remembered  what happened earlier , she sobbed .

" Don't cry"- Baekhyun

" I loved him"- Yerin

" He don't deserve you"- Baekhyun

" But??"- Yerin

" Don't let your precious tears waste for him"- Baekhyun

" Thank you "- Yerin

"For what?"- Baekhyun

" For being my sided even I hurt you "- Yerin

" It's okay "- Baekhyun

"Now eat this soup , and get some energy "- Baekhyun

" Baekhyun can I ask you something"- Yerin

" Yeah??- Baekhyun

"Tell me about your whole life"- Yerin

" But why?" - Baekhyun

" You said earlier that we are friends, we should know about each other "- Yr

He tell her everything about his life, why his parents adopt Taehyung,  instead they are having him. How Taehyung steal everything from him.

Yerin felt pity on her because she could understand the pain of being unloved.

" So tell me about yours - Baekhyun asked despite he knows everything about her, as he didn't want Yerin to know that he stalk her and he was her stalker otherwise the deadly plan he make will fail.

She also tell  him everything about her pathetic life,  how she is being treated badly and injured by them, how she lost her mom and brother.  She even show him her brother photos.

" I wish they die"- Yerin said not mean to this but Baekhyun take it seriously.  Her wish is his command. Now you all know who are going to be his next prey.

When Yerin was fast asleep,  Baekhyun was thinking about that how he can he make Yerin to hate Taehyung completely by her whole body,  heart and soul. On the other hand how to kill her parents who are still in Japan for huge business trip. All night he spent on thinking about most deadliest plan ever.

Just wait Mr. Jung and your stupid family,  you are going to face something bad,  you stole my Yerin's happiness and make her life. And you Kim Taehyung for marrying my Yennie

(FLASHBACK)" You know what you have to do??- BH" I know to stick with Taehyung , kiss him when you and that Yerin returning to camp"- Jiwoo" Do it well!, otherwise you will be dead"- Baekhyun " Yes, you have to pay me double"- Jw " Whatever!!- Bae...

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" You know what you have to do??- BH
" I know to stick with Taehyung , kiss him when you and that Yerin returning to camp"- Jiwoo
" Do it well!, otherwise you will be dead"- Baekhyun
" Yes, you have to pay me double"- Jw
" Whatever!!- Baekhyun


When Jiwoo kiss him forcefully and hugged into him tightly never wanting him to leave, she bit his lip to make his eyes closed in pain, but he didn't kiss her back, he only thought about Yerin who is with Baekhyun now.  He forcefully pushed her and slapped her , leave alone in the forest,  but it was too late.  He went back to camp alone and try to find Yerin to apologise her and ask for another chance. But Yerin was nowhere to found sane as Baekhyun.  He was feeling nervous.  He felt so scared in his life , he asked teacher for Yerin , he was shocked to listen her answer that Yerin and Baekhyun already left the camp because Yerin was fainted.  He was so anxious to meet Yerin but teacher doesn't allow him, he has to wait for only 1 night.

To be continue
( Please comment  your reviews if you like my story) 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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