Chapter 1

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I breathe calmly even though I just jumped out of a window. I image what flying is like. Image the calm. I stop feeling the wind pound on my face. The feeling of how light I am is amazing. I open the eyes I don't even know that I closed and look around. It's like I'm suspended in air.

I force myself to move my wings even though it's uncomfortable. I start to fly a little up. After about thirty seconds, I'm at the hight of where I jumped out. I turn and look at my house for the past thirteen years. I'm finally free. Flying feels so good after being trapped.


Flying is not uncomfortable anymore. I look at my house one more time and never look back. I fly into the world that surrounds me. I'm free from there. Free to do what I want.

I want to leave this place as fast as I can. I fly like I never have before. It's such an amazing feeling and almost impossible to explain. I pick up speed from the sky. There's a lot of wind today. I can see my house in the corner of my eye getting smaller. I'm glad I'll never have to go back there again.


I'm going so fast the everything is a blur. I would slow down and look at the area but it takes a long time to get to anglin and I only have two days before school starts to shop for what I need. I check to make sure that my pack is still on my back. It is. I could fly for hours. It's so fun.


It feels like it's been hours since I left. I haven't stopped since I left and it's very tiring so far. Flying is not as fun as it was when I first left but I'm not tired of it yet. I'm still moving fast enough for everything to be a blur. I don't know where I am though. I am supposed to get to anglin before the sun rises and it's probably three. I fly faster to try and make sure I still have time just in case.


I'm hungry now because i've been flying for so long. I check my watch to see if I have time to eat before the sun rises. My watch said it was 3:41. I still had no idea how far I was from the city so I flew faster. It's never hurt anyone, did it?


After awhile of flying i'm so bored I almost fall asleep. I'm sure i'm going insane when I see a light in the distance. Was it heaven or was it the sun? The sun! If I'm caught flying I could die! I don't even know how far I was to anglin! I knew that people started to work right as the sun rose were I was from and I wasn't taking any chances with a big city.

I had to stop flying now. I slowed my pace a bit and saw only trees below me. I guess I don't have any choice, now do I? I aim down a little more and slow my pace as much as I can. I've stopped flying before but never this high or at this pace.

I feel the wind fall on my face and I feel sick. I close my eyes and hope for the best. You know how people say "you control what you do?" I don't think that applies to me. My wings felt like my own being and I don't like it one bit.

My wings stopped just before I felt like a was gonna fall into the ground and never wake up. I opened my eyes to see me almost an inch from the top of a tree. I felt like time had stopped just a few seconds before my slammed into the tree face first.

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