subject : us
It's sad, this world
People giving up their dreams
People losing to their own words
This world, man these people subjects to the over powering rule
The mind is their ruler
The thoughts are their orders
These people they listen to these orders as if they're commanding generals sending them to battle
Our live are all at war
War with each other
War within ourselves
Their hearts being broken and cut open for every drop every cell they've got
Their souls left to rot,
This world
Dear society
Dear insecurities
Dear anxieties
Would you call these dear to your hearts
Wouldn't you just want to let these go
Throw them out the window and hope the cops just say it was a "tragic" suicide
Something we have no control over something that haunts us in our sleep
Something we can all relate to even though we all promise we're not
It's like we're tied up to a leash we can only go so far until these ropes pull us back
Sooner or later these leashes turn to nuses
These dreams we chase are only nightmares
The reason why we stay awake at night is not because we want to watch one more episode of our favorite show or play one more round in a video game
Instead it's because our minds are commanding generals shouting commands at us ordering us to stay awake
We can't sleep, not while our general yells in our ears
Sometimes you just want to yell at them to fuck off
But you can't, because it's all in your head as they say
It's nothing to worry about
It'll be over with within a week you'll be fine
No, no!!!!!
This fucking insanity will not leave my side it won't be alright within a week when I've had this for years
Don't tell me it's all in my head when you see it too
Stop trying to ignore this, its here in front of you can't you see it
Don't block it from view it could cost something more valuable than money or cars or homes
It could cost a life.
Random thoughts
Short StoryViewer discretion is advised, I am mentally stable these are just thoughts and random things I think of. Please don't report me for sharing my thoughts