You expect me to be perfect
You want me to get rid of everything that comes to my mind
You tell me if I do this then I'll be perfect like everyone else in this god forsaken world
You tell me that if I get rid of my imperfections that I'll look like I actually fit in
While your stuck on the words fit in, I'm stuck on the words look like
Great, just great, you want me to put on another mask when I have twenty more at home
I thought I had good enough masks, I guess not, I guess I need to make another one and well I don't know pretend to be happy
Wear a smile, look bright on the outside while I'm secretly dying on the inside
And it seems I already have good enough masks Since you seem to not of noticed I've already got my foot in my grave, and I'm slowly going deeper into the darkness of the unknown.
Random thoughts
Short StoryViewer discretion is advised, I am mentally stable these are just thoughts and random things I think of. Please don't report me for sharing my thoughts